I'm Hazel Grace Lancaster I have no siblings and I am the daughter to Mr. Lancaster and Mrs. Lancaster, friend of Isaac and girlfriend of Augustus Waters.Who sadly died. I finished high school early and has already begun pursuing a college education. I don't really want to talk about it, but I am diagnosed with Stage 4 Thyroid cancer with metastasis forming in my lungs, but have almost managed to live with my disease owing to doses of an experimental drug called Phalanxifor (which does not actually exist). In the beginning of TFiOS, My mother decides that I am weirdly depressed and sends me to a Support Group, which I don't really want to attend. We meets every Wednesday, held in a church basement, referred to as 'the Literal Heart of Jesus' by their leader Patrick. I met Augustus and Isaac in the Support Group a few weeks after I joined in the 'Literal Heart of Jesus'. During that day in Support Group it was found that Isaac would undergo surgery and go blind in a few weeks. When I first talked to Augustus, he took out a cigarette and put it between his teeth, but did not light it. He said the words; "It's a metaphor, you put the killer between your teeth, but you don't give it the power to do its killing." I noticed that Isaac and Monica were making out and repeating the words 'always'. She later found out they had made a promise to always be together, and therefore they always repeated the words 'always'. In the early blooming of Mine and Augustus' relationship, Augustus compares Me to Natalie Portman in V for Vendetta, which I found strange. I may die, in a year or so, But knowing that my love Augustus is gone, is hard enough, I don't want to many questions, but that's me Okay? ......... Okay.?
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sophie louise <3
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