Tradurre   11 anni fa

Escape. You told me that I needed you, that I wouldn't cope without. You promised me I'd be okay as long as you were around. Controlling and obsessive, you never left my side. This wasn't the kind of relationship, I had had in mind. You never let me breathe, you never left me alone. If I wasn't by your side, you were constantly calling my phone. You worried I was cheating, you always got so mad. If I came home late at night you'd assume I'd done something bad. You said that you did trust me, yet you'd always check my phone, I never had anything to hide from you I loved you and you alone. Then things got a bit crazy, you started to act really strange Small things made you angry and I'd always get the blame. Our relationship wasn't healthy I needed to get out, I was genuinely scared of you and that's not what loves about. I felt like I was escaping, but I was just saying goodbye, This wasn't what I wanted, I didn't want this kind of #life. You told me that I couldn't go that I was only your own, You didn't understand the pain you'd caused you just didn't know. Finally it was over you didn't get to have a say, You didn't even have a choice you were forced to stay away. I loved you awful amounts but from you it was just too intense, Everything was so perfect, then your actions just made no sense.

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