Tradurre   11 anni fa

Lost part 1 Being lost in the middle of nowhere with two younger siblings is the worst situation before death. I'm Lolita aged 12. I have a younger brother Baxter who is 8 and a even younger sister Lois who who is 4. Baxter is a rascal who loves adventure and Lois is a sweet little girl that is scared of pretty much everything. So really what I'm saying is that I'm stuck with these two crazy clowns who are scared of everything. And that's only a part of what I have to deal with. You're probably are wondering how we got lost in the first place a anyway. Here is how it happened "Guess what guys! We are going on vacation!" Mum squealed . "Vacation!" Baxter shouted . " what's a vacation?" Asked Lois. "A vacation is a holiday" I answered. "That's right brainy box!" Mum said as if I was Lois. Mum always calls me a brainy box, thinking I love the nickname and it's super cute. To be honest I don't really like it, it's embarrassing . I laughed sarcastically. "I love holiday!" Cried Lois. "Where are we going?" Asked Baxter. "We are going to Paris!" Mum cried. The room fell silent. I wasn't sure whether mum was telling the truth, she had the tendency to exaggerate things. "Mum, planes cost so much! Especially for 4 people!" I said gently. "No silly! We are taking the train!" She laughed. I nodded not sure about the idea. The next few days went by in a blur. It was packing suitcases , sorting out tickets, trying to calm down the kids. Then the day came. It was the morning of our trip and Lois and Baxter were Hyper. Our train was at 120 pm so we got everything ready the night before. I packed my pens, my diary,my colouring pad and my teddy bear Rusty. Rusty was my first toy ever. He is a small cute dog that's a soft grey and really fluffy and cuddly. The weather was supposed to be lovely in Paris so I had packed my skirts and shorts with my blue daisy dress and my green jumpsuit decorated with yellow dots. I loved my daisy dress. It was a blue colour with small Daisy's all over the top half of it. We headed out into the train station and got some. Lunch before heading for our train. Mum and I got a pie to spilt while Lois and Baxter got a Subway. "I don't know why you want a Subway Louis, you only get ham on your roll." Mum sighed. "I like Subway! It's yummy!" Lois protested. Mum sighed and let Lois get her precious Subway. Baxter's Subway was more worth while. He got ham,turkey,lettuce,tomato,chicken and barbecue sauce to top it up. "Don't you think that's a bit much mum?" I said unsure. " oh don't you worry old brainy box! He is a growing boy! Aren't you Baxter?" . "Yeah I will grow so big that I will eat you all!" Baxter cried. Mum laughed but Lois seemed unsure on the comment. "Anyway...we are going to be late if we do t hurry up" I said. I happened to look up at the time and realised that we had ten minutes to get to our train. "Mum! Look at the time!" I hissed. She made a 'whoops my fault' face and them said "right come on kiddy winks let's go!" Like it was a adventure. We stood up and started walking in the direction in which we thought was our train bit was actually not. We ended up asking a nice looking lady whether she knew where our platform was. "Yes of course! It's right down there then you take the second right" she replied. Mum smiled. I heard her curse under her breath. We only had 3 minutes. We practically ran to out platform, mums blonde curls flew out behind her as she ran. Baxter's hair stuck out in every direction possible and Lois's blonde curls flew out behind her too. My hair was blonde and curly but right now I couldn't have been having a worse "bad hair day" . We got to the train without a moment to lose. "Quickly!" Mum protested trying to push us forward. We just made it. Mum pushed us forward into the train and then just as we got on she tripped and fell backwards. "Mum!" We screamed. I went to help her but suddenly the doors closed and we were trapped in the train to Paris. " open the doors!" Screamed Baxter. Lois started crying not knowing what was going on. "Baby! Oh my Gosh! It's all right!" Mum shouted to the little ones. " I will get you! Take care of them Lolita!" . That's the last thing I heard her say to me. I tried to calm them down. I found a two seats and Baxter and I sat down in them "what about me?" Sniffed Lois. "Come sit on Lolita's knee darling" I said gently. There was an elderly lady sitting across from us. She seemed shocked when she saw the tear stains on Baxter and Lois's faces. " oh dear, are you kids okay?" She asked. I hesitated. "Fine thanks" . She nodded . "What's wrong sweet pea?" She asked Lois. She cuddled into me acting shy. I thought desperately for a excuse for the tears. "We are going to visit family,you see my mother is..." I trailed of a bit "sick" I whispered. She nodded. Baxter looked at me confused. I nudged him hard and he sighed and rolled his eyes then acted sad for the sake of attention. " it's okay sweet peas, mummy will be back soon" . Lois widened her eyes "promise?" She whispered. "Well...I can't promise but we can hope" she answered uncomfortably. I smiled at her gratefully. She smiled back . "So what relatives do you have in Paris?" She asked. "My aunt Mary and my nana" I replied. Mum had actually stopped talking to Her mum and Aunt Mary but I had to say something. She nodded. I felt Lois's head nodding off and I started to feel tired. Baxter was already asleep. I couldn't help but nod of as well. "'I will tell you when we arrive at paris" the elderly lady whispered "my name is Ida". I nodded sleepily then dived into my dreams . I woke up to a speaker announcing something " we will a arrive at Paris in ten minuets" it declared. Ida smiled at me. "I was just about to wake you" she said gently. I yawned and looked at Baxter. He was playing with his toy truck. Lois was still tucked up beside me. I started to worry about food and shelter in Paris. What do we do when we get there? Sure we had Ida on the train but she has other things to do probably. I started to think of a plan. I would find a nice police man and tell him what happened but then what? I don't know her phone number. I know our address but what use would that do? "What's wrong dear?" Ida asked. I must have looked worried. "Nothing just tired" I said cheerfully, although inside I was dying. "We have arrived in Paris" the speakers declared suddenly. I grabbed Baxter and lifted Lois up. "Do you want me to walk you out?" Asked Ida . "No it's fine!" I said hurriedly as I rushed out the train. I felt ever so guilty of how rude that must of sounded but it couldn't be helped. "Where are we going?" Asked Lois. "Yeah where are we going?" Asked Baxter . I thought for a second . "We are going to find a shop" I decided . "You guys hungry?" . "Yeah!" They chorused . "Is it Subway?" Asked Lois. "I don't think so Lois darling" I answered gently. She put on her sad face which attracted a lot of attention. "Don't look I will get you a subway okay?" I said quickly . She grinned and cuddled me close. Baxter was playing around with his truck happily. It looked like Baxter and Lois were happy . I suddenly realised that in Paris they spoke French. I barely know French! How was I supposed to ask for a Subway? I continued down desperately looking for a Subway. When a nice police man suddenly stopped in front of us. He spoke French to us. "Umm We don't speak French...we speak English..." I said. The police man smiled. "You speak English?" He repeated. I nodded in relief. "Are you children lost?" He asked. "No sir, we were just looking for a Subway?" I said hoping there were Subways in France. "Why yes mam just down into the central part of the train station" . I nodded a thanks then pulled Baxter and lifted Lois and walked away. "Subway?" Asked Lois. "Subway!" I said proud with myself. I'm going to eat and eat and eat until I grow as big as a giant and then I will eat you all!" Baxter cried. Mum laughed and so did Lois but she sounded uncertain.

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