Translate   10 years ago

My Boys My boyfriend is my world, his son is like my own. I love them both with all my heart and I would be so lost without them. I've finally found someone that makes me happy, I've finally found somewhere I belong. I know sometimes people get annoyed at me because I go on and on about my boys but, they have brought so much happiness to my #life they have made me who I am now, and I wouldn't change either of them for the world. I feel like they are my little family, my little support unit who are always there for me when i'm sad or down and always pick me up again and they give me the best cuddles. James is the kind of man that every girl wants, and i'm not just saying that because i'm hopelessly in love with him, but he makes me laugh everyday without fail, he makes me smile every hour of everyday. He holds me close and tight when I need it. He's perfectly unperfect, but he's perfect for me. Ladies I will say this, I'm only 20 going on 21 but I really have found my soul mate, the ying to my yang. And trust me it isn't easy finding the one, you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet your Prince Charming, but please don't give up hope because he is out there somewhere waiting for you, you may have to go through a lot of heart ache to find him but when you do... he will pick up all the pieces of your broken heart and put them back together perfectly and with such a loving touch, he will teach you to love and trust again. and every woman deserves a man like that... so keep on looking because i found mines. And i was luck enough to have to lovely boys walk into my #life at the same time, and now they are my world. <3

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