Translate   10 years ago

With his arm under mine, he helped me off of the Bike. We began the walk toward the bar. It seemed like an eternity, every step feeling like a #lifetime as my mind struggled to comprehend my change of condition. For days now it had been used to sickness, emptiness, solitude and focused on survival. Now it was almost exploding with information, as synapses sparked, new Ida's, old contemplations, questions, so many questions. My inner monologue began to take form, and eventually it became clearer and more articulated. Where am I? Who is this? Friend or foe? It wasn't until he kicked the door open, and we moved from the evening sunlight, into the dark, dusty interior that I could finally manage to speak. "W-where are we?" I asked, fighting at it was the most pressing issue. The who? The why? That could wait, for now... I needed the where. "You are in Arizona, about 30 miles from the nearest thing to a city, it's July 12th 2014, and this is our club house..." He said, straining a little as my entire wait pulled on an obviously injured shoulder. It was of course an old injury, but still, despite my 6 months shying away from civilisation and my week long fever, I wasn't exactly light. With a thud, he drooped me into a large double bed, covered with Native American blankets and an old duvet. My head found out self on a lumpy pillow, but to me it felt like a cloud after weeks of sleeping on the cold hard ground, I was glad of this little bit of comfort. I closed my eyes as he left the room. My mind was racing again... Everything he had said added up, right time, right place, the only thing that had puzzled me was the "our" who was this guy? Who were these people? These questions haunted me as I drifted off into a deep sleep, the deepest I had experienced in weeks. I awoke to the sound of several engines, followed by booted footsteps, maybe half a dozen by my reckoning. Stretching out, I took a deep breath in and released. My heart jumped as I looked down and realised that my clothes where gone, and I was wearing a pair of clean blue boxer shorts. I ran a finger through my hair and shouted. "What the fuck have you do e to me?". This was met my a roomful of laughter and the stranger appearing at the door. "You where covered in dirt and sweat. Plus. You stank! So I stripped you down and gave you a bed wash...Something I learned to do in the field hospital... I found a pair of clean underwear, and them on you....You were out for the count, I wanted you to wake up comfortable" he explained, a friendly smile on his face. His appearance had changed slightly, he was still in full regalia, but now he had a branded beer apron,a white towel over one shoulder and a pair of wire framed glasses sitting on his oft broken nose. "I'm Jimmy by the way... But the Guys call me 'doc' he added, whipping his wet hands on the cloth and once again smiling at me. He smiled a lot, that was slightly un-nerving... But I figured if he had wanted to hurt me... He'd have done it by now. " name is Alex" I forced out... Before dropping down from the elbow that had been propping me up. Doc reached behind the doorway and picked up a large pitcher filled with water and ice, and a single red solo cup. He loaves it on the table beside the bed, ruffled my hair and wordlessly walked out of the room...

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