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Sketches ~Chapter 1 "Honey!Your going to be late!" I woke to the sound of my mom yelling at me from the bottom of the stairs.I jumped off bed remembering the night before... -Last Night- I was on my computer and I looked at the time.It said 8:30.Wow,for a minute I though it was 11. Later,I heard my door open and saw my mom in her night gown."Skye,what are you doing up so late?Its 2:47" my eyes widened,I looked at my time on my laptop and at the one in my room."Shoot" I turned off my computer and placed it on my desk,and then turned off the light and went to sleep. -Back Where I Was- I took a quick shower and ate a granola bar which after that I brushed my teeth.I walked out of the restroom to find my older brother Kyle waiting.I have an older brother,and my cute younger brother,Nathan. I ran out to find my boyfriend Derek.I didn't notice it was raining until I felt water coming down my hair.Luckily,he was here in time.I got on to see my name on his arm.He has 27 tattoos but at least he was attractive. "Hey babe" he said.I hated that name,but I didn't want to say.The name babe just made me feel uncomfortable,and I kept falling for him."Hi Derek" I replied with a smile. While we drove,I saw a guy with light brown hair walking.I stared before he looked back at me.I quickly turned.I heard his name was Lewis?Oh it was Louis! When we got to school,I got off and walked in through the doors.I had my earbuds in my ears listening to Lorde.A few minutes later I saw that Louis dude,I smiled but he didn't seem to see me. "Jerk" I muttered,which caused him to look my way,"Oh okay so now you see me" I say in a threatening voice,but I chuckled. First class,science.I sat down in one of the farthest seats,and then Louis came in.There were no seats left in the room,except next to me.He sat down and I put my iPod back in my bag.Then I saw an old sandwich,I got it out as the teacher came in."Hello class,my name is Ms.Chilenski" I slowly got my sandwich out as the teacher turned around and wrote her name on the board.I had it in my hand when I threw it "YOLO!" I yelled as it landed on her desk. She turned around and saw the moldy sandwich.And looked around,clearly mad."Who through this?" I was looking at the beakers on my desk and looked up,"Hi!My name is Skye!And I'm the one who threw that pig!" I smiled.The sand which was made out of ham,that's why I said pig."Skye,I am giving you a warning today because it is the first day,but don't do that ever again"I nodded and laughed silently.This was going to be a great day. After school,I ran outside with my best friend Melody,we were walking home together since we live in the same neighborhood.(To the tune of Royals) "IVE NEVER SEEN A BATHROOM IN THE FLAMES!!" I yelled outside the school doors,people turned as I was doing weird dance moves."AND WE'LL NEVER BE BUTT POOP!" I yelled again."I CAN BE YOUR TOILET PAPER!" Melody just stared at me as if I was a total creep,"Shut up!" I heard someone say.I turned to see Louis."CLEARLY,YOU HAVE NO SENSE OF HUMOR!" I yelled.He just rolled his eyes and walked behind us."Oh my god Louis sits next to me and he is a little downer" Melody said. When I got home,I threw my backpack on the counter,and there was a note on the fruit bowl. To Skye, I'm going to be a little late to come home today by the way,I left you some money for you to order a pizza Love you,mom I'm home,alone."HELL YEAH!" I screamed.I turned on my speakers and put on Beautiful #life by Armin Van Burren."COME AND STAND INTO THE LIGHT!" I turned it a little bit down and got the phone,pizza time!I ordered the food and turned it back up.I thought I heard someone knock,but I ignored.Then they knocked again and I muted it and I heard raining. Holy mother of god the person outside might be drowning!I opened the door and pushed the wet person inside.I turned around to see grumpy old Louis."SERIOUSLY!?" He was all wet like a drowned kitten,except,he was a BIG kitten,maybe overgrown."Hey,I was only going for a walk when it started raining,it's not my fault Mother Nature hates me going on walks" he replied,"Well sorry" "Well did you really have to ruin my 'Forever Alone' party?" I asked,"You have a 'Forever Alone' party?" I nodded,"I just put on music,and dance,all by myself" I replied.The doorbell rang and I got up.I opened the door to Mr.Pizza Man."That will be $20 please" he said and I paid him.He left and I sat down and opened the box. From the corner of my eye,I saw Louis stare.Aw,he looked so cu-NO WHAT AM I THINKING I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!I turned,"Okay fine" his frown quickly turned into a smile.I've never seen him smile. After we ate,I got to know a little bit about him,he actually has a good personality!When the rain stopped,we exchanged numbers and he left home.I put on some sweatpants and a neon green tank top. Then I had a text message from Derek: Babe,I wanna break up.I met someone else,her name is Tory.Can we be friends still? At this point I wanted to punch him but I couldn't because we weren't face to face.I messaged him back though Tarts It's okay.I knew I wasn't the perfect girl,but yeah we can still be friends I clicked on send and waited for his reply,but nothing came."Ugh" I tossed myself on the couch.Before I knew it,I was asleep When I woke up,I had pizza on my face,it was the next day.My mom should have been home by then.I got the pizza off my face and ate it.I mean,who f ing cares? Bleh,Tuesday.Or should I say...MONDAY #2!I hate weekdays,except for Friday!! I put on a red sweater with the number 9 in bold,ripped skinny jeans,and blue TOMS.I didn't shower because I didn't feel like it,and besides,Its 10 minutes before class starts. I came outside and ran until I bumped into Jake and Melody.Jake and Melody are dating,but they aren't the kind of couple that make out with eachother every minute. "Heeeeey!" I said,"Guess what?" I asked."What?" They both said,"Well that Louis dude came over yesterday,and we got along" I say and they looked surprised,"Really?It seems like you would of annoyed him" Jake said,but I shook my head. When we got to school,I sat down in next to Louis."Hai" he said,"So,anything happened when I left?" He asked,"Yup,continued my 'Forever Alone' party,my boyfriend broke up with me" - I think I saw him cheer a little bit - "and I went to sleep" I replied,"Wait?He broke up with you?" He asked,I nodded,"He's a jerk then,he wasn't worthy" and I agreed.

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