My Brothers Secret Me and my brother Loras have been dragged to swear loyalty to King Renly Baratheon. If we don't, we could have our heads cut off. I've never felt so scared in my #life. They broke into Highgarden, and they snatched us. They ignored my father's threats, and my grandmother's protests. "The two youngest are coming with us." They said, and that was it. No one could say or do anything. So here we are, on our knees in the sand, waiting for the king. My dress is ripped, and Loras' nose bleeds steadily onto the ground. He tried to stop the man holding me from dragging me along, and he got punched for it. Our heads are bowed, and I'm crying. I'm not sure, but I think Loras is too. "Your Grace!" The rough man next to me says. "Ser Loras and Lady Margaery of House Tyrell." I hear the king go up the wooden stairs to the seat. Why we are in his fighting ring I don't know. But it can't be good. I sob, tears pouring down. I lift my hand and wipe them away. Loras' hand finds mine and he squeezes it supportively. "Why is she crying?" The king asks. "She's frightened, Your Grace." Loras says. "She was handled rather...roughly." King Renly looks at the two men. "I told you not to hurt them!" He looks back at Loras. "And you? Why are you crying? And bleeding?" Loras lifts his hand to his nose and it comes away red. I look up to address the king. "Please, Your Grace, he tried to protect me. They punched him." He looks down at me, sympathy in his eyes. "Rise, Lady Margaery." I push myself up and brush the sand off. "If you don't mind, Your Grace, why did you have us brought to your fighting ring?" I ask. "You knew it was the fighting ring? How? It doesn't look like one." He says. "I know. But I can feel it. Many a knight has been bested here. You only have to be silent and still to feel it in the air. It's haunting somehow." I say. He stares at me. "I'm sorry, Your Grace. I do that sometimes. I just release my deep thoughts and alarm people. It won't happen again." I look down at the sand, ashamed. "There's no need to apologise for a gift, Lady Margaery." He says, and looks at my brother. "Rise, Ser Loras." Loras jumps to his feet and takes my hand again. "I am sorry about the way you were treated. It won't happen again. Ser Loras, I heard you were a good fighter?" The king says. "Oh yes!" I say. "He's the best in Highgarden!" Loras shoves me. "Margaery!" But he's smiling. The king smiles. "Ser Loras Tyrell, I'm making you the head of my Kingsguard." Loras' smile gets a lot bigger. The king turns to me. "How can I make it up to you, my lady? Anything you want, if it is in my power, it is yours." Before I can say anything, Loras speaks up. "Your Grace, if I may, you might take my sister for your Queen? She is sweet and innocent, she will be good to you." I gasp. "Loras, no! I don't want to be higher up than you!" "Margaery, it's ok, you won't be." He promises. I look at King Renly. He's smiling again. "Very well, Ser Loras. But first, I think we should let Lady Margaery have a few days to think about it." "Thank you, Your Grace." I say politely. He gets down from his throne and walks away, his knights behind him. Loras looks at me, grinning. I shove him. "Don't look at me like that! You got something good! You spoke before I had a chance! You know how I feel about that." I look at the ground dejectedly and manage to get a few tears. "Oh Margaery!" He hugs me. "I'm sorry!" I grin at him. "You little devil!" He pushes me playfully. I laugh. "Oh, and if anyone asks, I won't hesitate to tell them 'it was all his idea!' " I tell him.

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