Dare to Dream Chapter One The sun rose high in the sky, revealing a large beautiful meadow. Selena spinned around in a circle, making her white dress twirl. She smiled as deer ran beside her and butterflies flew above her. The flowers danced with her. She spread her arms wide open and pretended to fly with the wind. She laughed as the wind whipped her hair back. There was no where in the world she would rather be at than here. Then the scene changed. The flowers wilted. The grass turned gray and died. The butterflies turned to bats. Deer turned to skeletons. The beautiful sunny sky turned into a dark, starless night sky. There was no#moonto help her see. Selena shivered as shadows watched her every moves. She dashed to the dark forest in front of her. Shadows followed behind. Crows caw above her. She didn't dare look up as she ran deeper into the forest until she came across a waterfall. Only then did she decide to rest for a bit. Selena dropped to her knees and scooped up some water with her hands. She brought her hands to her lips and slurped up the water. The water burned the back of her throat, but she didn't care. She drank until she was quenched. Then she soaked her feet into the lake. She looked around her at the gloomy and bleak surroundings. Everything looked dead. She wished she was still at the meadow and the sky would be sunny again. She jumped up as something touches her feet. She pulled her feet out of the water and looked to where her feet had been. Her breath caught in her throat. A man, who looks no more than to be twenty, stared past her. His neck was twisted at an angle and one of his eyes was missing. A smile formed on his lips. Selena couln't help but stared at the dead man. She reached into the water to grab his golden watch, but a hand grabbed her wrist. She looked at the man and noticed her was staring at her. She screamed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Selena woke up drenched in sweat, She heard someone scream or was it her own? She tried to calm her racing heart; blood pounded in her ears. Her mind began to automatically chant: It's alright. It's just a dream. She glanced at the digital clock on her nightstand. It reads 10:30 am. Selena bolted out of bed and headed for the bathroom. She turned on the water and showered as quick as she can. She was in such a hurry that she almost slipped while getting out. She got dressed and brushed her teeth in fifteen minutes flat. She ran to the dresser and grabbed her phone off the wooden jewelry box her grandmother gave her. She will have to have her mom mail it to her. Selena went through her contracts, looking for her friend's number. She finally found it after going through the long list of D's. Apparently, she had alot of friends whose name's start with a D. Selena dialed Ericka's number and waited for an answer. She answered after the fourth ring. Selena didn't give Ericka the split-second to say something. "Why didn't you wake me up? The plane departs in thirty-minutes!" "Uh... It's 11:30. The plane is already departing..." Selena's eyes widened. "WHAT?!" She yelled. Clearly, the last time she checked the clock, it was 10:30. Have time really went by fast? She glanced at her handwatch on her wrist. It only reads 10:50. Did she have the wrong time? "Just joking. It's 10:50. So, are you coming or what?" Selena could only shook her head as she picked her luggage and shoved it into the back of her truck. So far so good. She drove to the airport as fast as the truck could go, hoping the plane doesn't leave without her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Selena slipped into the seat beside Erick at 113. She had sprinted through the airport, and was having a bit of trouble catching her breath. Ericka pretended not to look over even as she did, and smiled. "Thanks," Selena huffed. "Are you excited?" She had the nerve to ask. "Yeah. I'm just... " huff, huff," bursting at the seams." The plane began to move. With a jolt, Selena ripped forward in her seat, leaning over Ericka, who sat next to the plane wall, and window. "What?" asked Ericka. "I want to see Memphis..." she huffed,"One last time." Quickly, the buildings passed. Faster and faster. From her window, she could see everything. Her entire #life passed in an instant and vanished as buildings gave way to trees; trees to fields; and fields, with a start, to clouds. They were on their way.

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