Dead Immortals Chapter 1 I woke up with a big, ugly bruise on my cheek. My dad had smacked me last night. Fun! Not. My room is nothing but a cold, stone basement with an old piece of wood as a bed and clothes from the clothes for the homeless charity. I had to steal it from the bins or I would have no clothes. My mum had locked the door again so I was stuck. She would be probably sharpening a knife to kill me. But I'm immortal so that would fail. But today was the day that I would escape. Soon after my dad came down with a whip. Don't ask why, but my dad has his own room with a whipping post. He grabbed my hands and took me to the room. He stripped me to my knickers and put me on to the post. I was whipped continuously. He smirked when a cried out in pain. It was so painful. Then it was my mums turn to abuse me. She has her own torture room. Again, don't ask why. She yanked my tongue out of my mouth and started cutting chunks of my tongue. Blood came streaming out of it. When she was finished with my tongue I put what was left of my tongue in my mouth. I could feel it growing. Then she got her knife out and cut my toes of then chunks of my legs. She finally had enough and chucked me into my room and left me to bleed. This is like my daily routine. Wake up, abused, go to school, come home, forced to eat my own toes, then go to sleep. Now you probably see why I want to kill my self. I have a tracker so if I try to escape they find me. Luckily, when my mum was cutting me, she cut out my tracker. When it was time to go to school, I was good as new. I put all my clothes. In my school bag, A.K.A a duffel bag. I ran into the forest and ran from the world, I was free. I felt much better about my #life. Then I saw an abandoned dog. It was a border terrier with dirty, scruffy fur and deep blue eyes. I had never seen a dog with blue eyes before. Slowly, I reached my hand to stroke the top of his head. Walking to me, he let my stroke him. Then a smokey black figure formed behind him.
ð¬ð¶Bethany Ellisð¶ð¬
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