Raindrops I can hear your voice, I call out to you, And time is still. We're suspended in space. I reach out to you, But the last drop falls. Then you are gone; With the rain. And the dream, in which I feel Your arms around me, fades Like a memory. I cry, so lost, so alone, Trying to hold the pieces of you. You have never been mine, You err the rain I loved - But I should have known, I can't capture all of them. So I close my eyes, And let them fall; Embracing sadness. I kiss the rain. Your face lingers, I can feel you here, And yet when I try to se. You disappear again. Should I let you go? Leave you to the mist, Which steals you away - From me. It's so fitting that the caresses Of the downpour seems like your fingers Against my lips. So gentle and yet firm, So hazy like a dream, I try to convince myself, 'It's not real.' I understand Sweet separation Let the raindrops Shield me from loneliness. Goodbye. This is the last time, I shall ever cry for you. As I dance under The heaven's tears; I wonder if you understand, Now I close my eyes, And let them fall; With freedom - I kiss the rain.

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