Dead Immortals Prologue I'm Layla and I have commented suicide 4 times. I'm immortal and it is so annoying. I hate my #life and when I die I start breathing the very next day. I wish I could die. I opened the door, the sun light burst into the hallway. I closed the door and opened my window and put my right leg out of the window. It was my 5th attempt if suicide. I put my left leg out and I landed on to the pavement and rolled down the street into the near by field where I was stabbed in the stomach with a pointy tree branch. Soon blood was pouring out of my stomach and mouth and I felt dead. The next day I woke up with a stick in my stomach. It felt like it wasn't there. I got up and I had a massive scab on my stomach. No signs of death, I was still alive. I couldn't be bothered to try my 6th attempt. I went home and it was just the same. My mum is an alcoholic and my dad is a drug dealer. Plus he sells them. My mum abuses me and my dad try's to murder me but they all fail because I'm immortal. Schools bad to. I'm in year 7 so I have just started secondary school. All the teachers are scared of the kids. They bring guns to school, the smoke and drink, and I defiantly saw cocaine on the girls toilets. It's a terrible school and most people in tests get F- well should I say all of them accept me. So I'm pretty sure you understand why I want to die. I spend my free time at the local forest because I have no where else I can turn to.

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