Tradurre   10 anni fa

Rue and Glimmer LittleMockingjay has entered the chatroom LittleMockingjay: Hello? Is anyone else here? I'm just bored... Glimmer-ousGirl has entered the chatroom Glimmer-ousGirl: Hiya! LittleMockingjay: *lowers voice* This is a conversation I can do without. *raises voice* oh, hi Glimmer! How are you? Glimmer-ousGirl: I'm fine, thanks, how about you? LittleMockingjay: I'm good, the past few days have just been a blur of cutting crops with crescent knives, night vision sunglasses and checking my jacket for bird mess every five seconds Glimmer-ousGirl: That's funny! LittleMockingjay: Hey, are you ok? You seem a little, well, uncomfortable. Glimmer-ousGirl: Rue, can you keep a secret? LittleMockingjay: Sure! You know me, I'm not a snitch. Glimmer-ousGirl: Promise me you won't tell Cato or Clove? LittleMockingjay: I promise I won't tell Cato or Clove. Why them in particular? Glimmer-ousGirl: Well... I think I'm going to have a baby. LittleMockingjay: What?! Are you serious? And it's Cato's? Glimmer-ousGirl: I think so. I can't tell him, Rue! LittleMockingjay: You have to, or he's going to be madder than a rhino stabbed with a needle. Glimmer-ousGirl: You've got a point... Ohh that sounded like a bad joke! LittleMockingjay:

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