Chat Room RheannaCullen, PortalCreator, StrongerThanYou, L for Laylaaaaaaaaaaa, Nessie and MackiVamp have entered the chat. PortalCreator: Rheanna, what was all that earlier about you 'not wanting to go back to the Volturi' I didn't think you knew who they were? RheannaCullen: ummmmm...nothing MackiVamp: tell us or you're gonna pay MarriedToBella has entered the chat MarriedToBella: Mackenzie!!! Be nice! MackiVamp : sorry dad L for Laylaaaaaaaa: please tell Rheanna! Nessie: nice usernames guys L for Laylaaaaaaaa: thanks Nessie Nessie: apart from yours L for Laylaaaaaaaa: * angry face* MackiVamp: or rheanna's StrongerThanYou: Tellis what's going on Rheanna RheannaCullen: umm...I.....errrrr Predictingthefuture has entered the chat MackiVamp and Nessie have left the chat Predictingthefuture: Rheanna sweetie, what happened? RheannaCullen: umm ...well basically....ummmm L for Laylaaaaaaaaaa: you don't have to tell us StrongerThanYou: yes she does *cracks knuckles* RheannaCullen has fled the chat PredictingTheFuture: Emmett!!!!!!! PortalCreator, PredictingTheFuture, MarriedToBella, L for Laylaaaaaaaa and StrongerThanYou have left the chat BeautifulBlond and hairy have entered the chat hairy: oh great BeautifulBlond: *hisses loudly* BeautifulBlond and hairy have left the chat
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