The Face Of The Sinister You scare me, your eyes locked onto me,fixed with an intent so sinister I quiver in terror. You changed, once you were kind to me but now all I can think is "Run, run away now!". There is no love in your face as you walk towards me, crowbar in hand. Im scared of you, I loved you once and now I'm terrified of you. Running into the house Molly pulls me to the side as Ash and Luke stand in front of us locking the door behind me. We stood there for a few seconds, waiting for a sign to say if he was there on the other side. "BANG!" The crowbar hits the door spooking all of us. The boys turn to Ciaron to usher us into another room as they check the windows back door. I see now that Lily is here, trying to calm my panic. All three of there faces fixed on me until a crash is head from the other room. It snaps me out of my fret and I run to the noise, stopping at the doorway I see ash on the floor and Luke being hit over the head, landing on the table. He looked straight at me with his hateful expression, dropping the crowbar he sprinted towards me and grabbed my thought. We struggle as the others look on in horror unaware of what to do. To be continued....

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