Traduzir   11 anos atrás

#life In An Army Town The pretty young mother was doing her best, but the needs of two small children momentarily overwhelmed her. The resilient strength that had carried her since losing her soldier seemed to be waning - an unclear future and engulfing loneliness painfully settled in her heart. I saw it etched in her face from my table in the Army town cafe. She wandered in, I knew who she was; I had seen her picture and knew her story from the local news - another brave husband had given his #life. Now, left to fend for herself, another non-combatant victim of war - empty, bereft, uncertain. My heart was broken for this young stranger - my misting eyes revealing me. Another war had made its claim on another family. What would she do? Where would she go from here? When will this end? Another young #life filled with death. I weep for her...I will always weep for her!

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