Traduire   11 années depuis

I'm An Individualist I'm stucked at the same line in a writing I have to return to my teacher Monday. I just can't put the words together in the right way and I can't figure out how to end it. I really wanna impress my teacher and get a good grade. I got a bad grade today for some group work project. I don't think it's fair because I was putted together with a girl who just copied everything from the internet and a boy who screwed up our pages by putting in a picture that really could be misunderstood. How I see it, me and one of the other girls in my group were the only one working for a good grade while the other ones just pretended like they did it all. Next time I just have to check the other group members papers trough, before returning them. I'm much better at individual work. -By the way, thank you so much for all the support I've already got And now I know how to tag people in the comments, I'm learning fast

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