Translate   12 years ago

a #poem My sense of direction is very poor. Taking the right route is very rare. I appointed a chauffeur. With him on wheel, I travel all over. Call it a tragedy or a comedy; He turned out to be the worst remedy. He is misfit to be a driver. His defect cannot be given a waiver. Driving is not bad. Behavior is pretty good. He does not fulfill my need. I have never met a driver of this kind. His sense of direction is worse?! We land in situations, adverse. Parking levels he would miss. Security guards, he would chase. With their help, car will be located. Thank god! He didn’t forget where my house is located? If that happens, I will be of no use! My apology will be very profuse! My sense of direction least matters! His?! Gives me jitters. Let me make a revelation. Two negatives give a positive gave the solution. I hang on to this equation. Both our sense of direction takes us round and round. We reach the destination at the end!! That is what matters!!! I am tempted to lay a wager?! Who is better???!!!!!!

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