Translate   10 years ago

Emotional Abuse It's hard being a victim of emotional abuse. Most people wouldn't understand, but I do. I know how it feels to be tortured and drained of everything emotionally. Having the person you love the most control you to the point of no return. No one will know how it feels unless it has happened to them. The idea of emotional abuse to them is something in which they don't believe, however when it happens the idea turns into a nightmare where every moment you are afraid and scared for your #life. You see for most guys who emotionally abuse girls they tend to then more on to physical abuse - that's the scary part. To think that the person you are in love with would even think of hurting you physically may seem impossible, but take a think. Does he tell you what to do? What to wear? Who you can and can't talk to? Get moody when you don't do as he says? Wants to get what he wants at that given moment or he gets angry? Shout and swears at you? Says he hates you and then he doesn't mean it? Always threaten that it's over? Say it's always your fault? This is emotional abuse. The next point come to if he has an anger problem, where when he doesn't get his way he will hit walls, windows and sometimes the nearest guy around. He will claim to never hit a women and say how he is very against it however, what if you are so deep within his grasp after months of caring for him and doing as he asks that he feels if he does it you will still come back. I guess I got out just in time. I escaped his grasp and his demands before it got too far; it is the best thing I have ever done. You don't realise how evil some people can be and most of the time you won't even know you are being emotionally abused at all. Until you look back, look back at how he talks to you and how he treats you then you realise and most of the time it's already too late. We need to raise awareness to girls that may be going through what I have and they need help to escape before it's too late. If you know someone or are someone being treated as said above, tell someone and get help to get away because I promise if it gets too late he won't leave you alone until you're dead.

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