Translate   10 years ago

Laughing In The Dark -Unknowns POV- I was disgusted. Their pretty little faces, ruined by the end of my blade. "I told you...I told you, time and time again..but you wouldn't listen. You just kept squirming.." I whispered. My fingers traced patterns on her face gently, softly carressing her soft dead skin. Her eyes were wide open, fear engulfed them. I dropped her head and stood up, going over to my worn out leather bag. I crouched down, in my worn out denim jeans before getting the small make up bag. After searching through it over and over again, I found the case I was looking for. Standing up, I went over to her and hoisted her #lifeless body over my shoulder. After carrying her to the bathroom, I stripped her down and cleaned her free of blood before taking her out and dressed her in a pretty dress. It was white with red lace and pink frills. My smile grew while I changed her and brushed her hair back. Within an hour, her beautiful brown hair was all curled. She had rosy cheeks, and green eyeshadow on with yellow flecks. She was absolutely beautiful and I almost regretted killing her. But I didn't regret it. I did what I always did with the bodies, took pictures, and then put them in my lush basement. When I opened the basement door, it stank like death. But the smell just got me excited. My smile widened and I took her to the couch, posing her with another beautiful girl. There were at least twelve down here and they were all dead. My smile widened and I went back upstairs after turning the lights off. I had a quick refreshing shower before changing into my work tuxedo. I finished cleaning up before grabbing my silver Honda Civic keys and left the mansion. My smile was wide and I walked down the steps before getting in the car. I backed out of the driveway and went down, passing through the gates before they locked behind me. Nothing bad ever happened in this town. A smirk slipped on my lips before I turned the radio on and listened to the news broadcast that had just come on. "...and yet another young girl has disappeared. If you have any information on Sydney Reiks, please contact the local police department. One again, brown hair, green eyes, pale complexion. Last seen leaving a party alone..." the reporters voice just vanished in the back ground and I hurried to work now. My smile was plastered with a friendly one and I cut the engine before going into the office. "Hello Stacy. Is he here?" I asked the blonde receptionist. She would be another great kill...but not yet. I had to choose my timing perfectly for her. "Ah yes. He is. In fact, he just came in a few minutes ago. You can go up." she smiled brightly at me. I nodded as thanks before going over to the elevator. I pressed it to go to the tenth floor before watching the doors close and the elevator took me up. -Eclipse's POV- I held my head in the office. Working in the police department right was stressing me out majorly. "Detective O'Mally, do you have any idea how long it may take?" a shrill voice asked. I looked up. It was the same woman each day. "No ma'am." I replied. "But I assure you, we're doing all we can." I assured. "Look, I don't want the same line you give everyone else. I want to know if you'll be able to find my daughter." she said. Her eyes were just #lifeless. Concern crinkles around her eyes and she was probably very beautiful at one point. "I..promise i'll find your daughter. Even if it is the last thing I do." I said. It provided her false hope but it broke me down. I hadn't slept in days due to this case. I hadn't been able to eat so much as one hamburger. This case was getting to me, and it was wearing me down badly. "Thank you." she said and stood up. Her heels clicked when she left my office and I rested my head on the desk in front of me. "Partner..why did you do that? Why would you promise something like that?" my partner, Joey asked. "You didn't see gave her hope. Something the woman needs." I replied. "Yea, and you don't see what this case is doing to you. Eclipse, when was the last time you had rest? Or even a meal?" he asked, concern embedding itself in his voice. I didn't reply. "Exactly what I thought." he sighed. "I'm fine J..Ok? Stop worrying-" I was cut off by him. "Stop worrying about you? No. You live alone in that run down apartment, this case is affecting you, and i'm scared i'll lose you partner." he said and placed a hand on my shoulder. I blinked but hung my head. My black bangs covered my tired green eyes. "Go get some rest." he stated. I shook my head and stood up. "No." I replied and left the tiny office, heading into the bathroom. I knew it wasn't this healthy to get involved in a case..but it was not my fault. How else was I supposed to react when someone is constantly coming in? Constantly bringing in pictures, telling me if I didn't have enough shit on my plate as it was. I ran my hands over my face before splashing cold water on my face. Eclipse's POV- When I finally left the bathroom, I looked better and had more color on my face. I wasn't tired looking either, which was another good sign. A sigh escaped me and I hesitantly went in my office. J was sitting on my desk and I raised my eyebrow while watching him. He was on the phone. MY phone to be exact. "Yea.." he was speaking to someone, and whoever it was, they were frightening him. "J, hand me my phone." I stated and held my hand out. He shot a look at me, but shook his head. "We'll check it out. Thank you." he said and hung up. I scowled at him. "What?" "Go get your coat..we have to go check something out." he said and left the office. I raised my eyebrow but nodded. What was up with him? I followed him out and looked at him while he was walking. "You could stop staring at me." he said. My eyes widened. "Ah..sorry." I apologized and scratched my neck. "Whatever." he said. It was awkward silence after that and I sighed, trying to break the silence. "J?" I asked. "Yea?" "Whats this about...?" "'ll see soon enough. I just hope what they said it was, is just a false alarm." he sighed. "What?" "Nothing." It was silent again and we quickly arrived to a cabin. On either side was a few houses, but this part of the was rundown. "Neighbour said something..disgusting is around. Said it stinks." he finally spoke. I nodded. I mean? What could possibly be in there? With some caution, we entered, our guns in our hands. I flashed my flashlight and just watched the dust particles scatter. I had my nose in the air, sniffing and there was something putrid in here. I gagged but covered my nose with my shirt. J had vanished outside to call someone. Probably the chief. I went further in despite my instincts yelling 'run! Run and don't look back!'. I nudged the door in the back open with my foot and my body felt weak. In front of me was a room. Covered in blood and only god knows what else. My light flashed on the body in front of the wall. It was a girl....the girl I promised to find. She had black hair with purple streaks, tan complexion and her eyes were..they were gone. It was just empty eye sockets. I ran out when I had enough courage and heaved beside the cabin. J came up and rubbed my back when I fell to my knees. I was instantly hunched over, heaving heavily. That girl...she was now burned into my head. I coughed heavily and gripped the grass before I felt arms pick me up. My gaze was focused on nothing but my body was fully aware of being carried then there was a blanket over my shoulders. I was shaking and trembling. My stomach retching inside me. "Eclipse?" J asked but his voice sounded far away. I didn't respond. My mind reeling around what I had seen in that room. I was ready to get sick again. "Get him out of here." J barked orders and a younger cop, Chris I think, picked me up and carried me to his car. He didn't bring any cruisers. He always had his car. I was curled up on the back seat and just stayed there, my body wouldn't stop shaking. "You'll be alright." Chris said as he climbed in the drivers seat. I didn't reply. My words choked. That girl in that room had shackles on her arms and legs. Bandages for clothes, and her face was covered in.. I retched at the thought and heard Chris sigh. I realized I just made a mess in his car, and was expecting him to lash out in anger at me, but he didn't. Instead, he took me to his place. Within a few hours I was social somewhat again. My eyes were hollow, but they had a haunted look to them now. The chief told me to come see him when I was ok again. Hell, i'd never be ok again. After seeing that. I was squeamish and couldn't handle it. Even though Chris and I hardly spoke to each other, he was taking care of me. I was at his place, curled on the plaid couch with a green blanket on me. My eyes had closed by now and he brought in a bottle of water for me. "Alright, Eclipse, i'll be in the kitchen. Just give me a yell if you need me." he said and I gave a slight nod. His footsteps faded away from me and I wound up dozing off, although that was the last thing I wanted to do. -Chris's POV- Poor guy... I shook my head and glanced over my shoulder. I could tell Eclipse was fast asleep now. I didn't know how he fell asleep, but hey, as long as he was getting sleep..that's all that matters. I turned my attention back to the carrots I was peeling and chopped them up silently. Damn, I wish May were here. She'd be so proud of me now. Tears pricked my eyes at the thought of my lost sister. She had been missing for over a month now, and it got to the point I didn't think i'd see her again. My thoughts were interupted from a grunt in the livingroom so I put the knife and carrot down before going in the livingroom. He was twitching in his sleep and I didn't know if you were supposed to wake someone up from a nightmare. But I shook his shoulder and his eyes snapped open. "You-" I was cut off by his phone ringing. He ignored it and went back to sleep. I found myself shaking my head and went in the kitchen again. Eclipse's POV- I woke up a while later to my stomach churning. I didn't know why it was churning, but whatever the reason, it woke me up. "Hey, you hungry?" Chris's voice rang from behind me and I quickly looked at him. "Um..n-no." I replied timidly. He sighed but nodded. I was grateful he hadn't pushed the matter further. "You feeling any better?" he asked. I shook my head. "Sadly..if I said yes, then I would be lying." He nodded. "That's understandable." I just laid there and yawned softly. I looked at him when his gaze rested on me. "Your staying here tonight by the way." he spoke. I stared at him, wide eyed. "What?" He nodded and looked at me. "Your staying here with me tonight. No one trusts you being home tonight alone." he repeated. I swallowed but nodded. "When your hungry, you can just give me a yell." he said. I gave a faint nod and closed my eyes again. He pulled the blanket up to my cheeks and then vanished in the kitchen. I cracked my eyes open and noticed he turned the tv on. It was broadcasting the news and then it hit me, I had to tell that girls mother.. I stood up with shaky legs and almost crumpled but he heard me. He just caught me in time. "You need to relax." he said. "Not until the sick creep who killed her gets justice." I muttered. He sighed and looked at me. " can't go after him." he said sadly. I growled but it came out strangled. I felt right weak and dizzy all of a sudden when my stomach growled. It made me flinch, due to how badly it hurt. I breathed shakily and he laid me down again. My eyes fluttered closed and my chest rose and fell quickly. He left the room and came back in a matter of minutes. "Here, open your mouth." he said. I did as I was instructed and he slipped a spoonful of soup in my mouth. I swallowed and winced but the burning ache in my throat disappeared. "Better?" he asked. I opened my mouth again willingly and he fed me another spoonful. I swallowed it graciously and managed to eat half of the bowl. When half was gone, my breathing slowed due to me falling asleep. -Chris's POV- I smiled as I seen he was asleep. It was also lifting my spirits to know he was eating and sleeping now. I took the bowl out to the kitchen and poured what remanants of the soup were left down the drain. Completely satisfied now, I washed the bowl before going in to the room to see him fast asleep. His face was free of all worry, or discomfort. He looked...human when he was asleep. Yea, he is human but he looked normal. "Get some rest." I whispered and pulled the blankets up over his sleeping mass again. I went up to my room just as his phone rang again. It didn't stop this time and I watched him stir, answering it. "Yea..?" he asked groggily and suddenly he was up on his feet and dashing out of the house. I blinked but ran after him. What was going on? "Eclipse!" I shouted. He ignored me and kept running. For someone who was exhausted, he could run. But what I noticed was his expression. His teeth were clenched and anger burned in his eyes. It was an expression I wore a month ago..when May had disappeared. But Eclipse had no sister. Just a...daughter. "Wait! Eclipse!" I shouted and he only seemed to run faster. When I finally caught up to him he was in his ex's house. She was a sobbing mess on the front steps and he came out frantically, yelling at her. I pushed faster to try and stop this from happening. Eclipse's POV- I was shouting at Ella. "Why didn't you call me!? Why didn't you bring her to my place or to the office!?" I shouted at her. She was just sobbing out answers. I growled and clenched my fists. "I'm getting custody over her." Her eyes widened. "Y-you c-can't!!" "I can and I will." I threatened. She just ran in the house crying. I slid down, holding my head when a comforting hand was on my shoulder. "Eclipse?" he asked softly. I snapped my head up, Chris was standing there. "Yea?" I choked out. I couldn't break down. I just couldn't if Alice was in danger. "Calm down." he said, watching my chest rise and fall quickly. "It'll be alright." he said and crouched down in front of me. I struggled to breathe. I couldn't no matter how hard I tried. "Listen to my voice." he said and I gave a quick nod in response. He kept talking about anything. Sports, the weather, food, tv shows, movies, anything. It worked, my breathing slowed and returned normal. "C'mon." he stood up and extended a hand down when I was calm. I took it and he pulled me to my feet. "Now, lets go get your little girl back ok?" he said. I nodded sternly. There wouldn't be any breaking down now. "You'll be fine." he whispered encouraginly. I smiled weakly and followed him. My mind reeled around what Ella had told me. The last person to see Alice was...Alex! "We have to go see Alex!" I said. Chris nodded, not questioning me. We sprinted to Alex's place. -Alice's POV(here's a new one)- I sniffled and looked at the guy carrying me. It was hard to see who he was, as he had a ski mask on. I know, cliché. "My daddy will find you and hurt you." I warned. The figure growled, but didn't speak. "Leave me go!!" I screamed. He shook his head. So I did what my daddy taught me. I started kicking and screaming. I wound up kicking him in his 'soft spot' and he dropped me. A squeak escaped my lips but I ran down the street, screaming, hoping anyone would hear me. But, seeing my luck, it was completely abandoned. I just hoped to god, my daddy would find me. My blonde ringlets swung on my head while I ran, so I tied it into a ponytail while running. My leggings hugged my body and my sneakers made no noise. My sweater hung off my shoulders and I heard that man yelling for me. My legs pushed faster and I hid into any little nook or cranny that my body could fit in. My breathing stopped as he ran by. I didn't try to get free, but it would work. I could stay here. Daddy will find me. He'll catch that bad man. My breathing started softly again when his yelling had faded into the distance. I was a strong girl. Daddy always told me that. He told me he'd never let anything happen to me. I knew he'd find me. I sat down in the little hole in the wall and hugged my knees. My legs burned from running so much, but that was expected. I sniffled silently and didn't cry. I sat there paitently like a good girl, holding onto the fact that daddy will find me. ~*~*~*~*~*~* So er, i'm going to try and see this story through till the end.

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