Translate   10 years ago

Lucy(New Part) Before I write the story I noticed in the first book I messed up with the names and stuff...SORRY!! now let's get serious and begin with the story!! ~PREVIOUSLY~ We saw the magicians walk in and I start to blush. Chrystal looks at me with curious eyes and ask "What's wrong?" "nothing" was all I could say as I shook my head. I looked around the club and my eyes widened. Jack was here... -NOW- As I look at Jack Chrystal noticed him too because I could hear her growl under her breath "Fuck, Jack ass is here..."(get cuz Jack and A$$, cuz people use that as an, okay um yeah, back to the story...) I tell her to stop as she stepped forward to go punch him in the area so he won't have children. Jack turns from the guy he was talking to, his eyes widen so I know he noticed me too. Chrystal calms down but she still wants to make him bleed. Jack walks over to us and Chrystal does her best to not punch him in the face. Jack begins to speak and that when Chrystal lashes out "Hey Lucy, still not over me? seems like you're stalking me now." Chrystal kicks him in his balls and as Jack hunches over she upper-cuts him and he goes flying to a table 2feet across us. I chuckle and Chrystal noticed because a smile tugs at her lips. Security came too late Chrystal jumped on Jack, gripped his shirt and yelled "One:You were the one jealous that she was hanging out with me clingy shit. Two:She had fun without you in her #life. Three:She was happy before you walked up to us. Four:I don't ever want to see your face around me or her, and sense you know my past I suggest that if you see me or her then buddy you better run before I see you!" and with that she roughly let go his shirt, kneed his balls, got off of him and security took him away. I looked at her in shock "Why didn't they take you away, you were more crazy!!" "The security guards are my cousins, they know not to mess with me." she said with confidence and a smirk, I chuckle before I noticed people were watching us, I blush until they started to applause for Chrystal. When everybody stopped clapping the magicians jumped down from the ceilings "Nice show Chrystal, still strong as ever." "Why Thank You Ryland. You know I was never weak." "psst!!Chrystal, you know the magian!!" "Duh,They're the ones that work at the cafe I take you to, how else do you think our drinks are always at least a dollar cheaper?" well now that I hear her explain Winston does look familiar... My eyes widen and I point my finger at Winston "YOU'RE THE ONE WHO SPILT MY COFFE AND SLIPPED ON IT!!" Winston blushes as the other magicians snickered and Chrystal snorted. Winston looks at me and says "You shouldn't have told the, none of them knew!" he whined like my little niece. I giggled "Sorry." he flashed a crooked smile and nodded as approving my apology. I smiled and turned to grab my drink from the table. All of the magicians stared at me with amusement on their faces "wut?" was all I could say. They all smirked and pointed at my thin sweater, it got wet when Chrystal punched Jack, a drink flew and wet my sweater, you could see my bra through it. I blushed and Chrystal quickly pulled her jacket on me to cover my shirt, the boys groaned in irritation that she covered me. I look away from the piercing stares of Ryland. As I walk away to sit down they all watch me as Winston grabs my waist and says "Don't feel embarrassed around me." I jumped bCk and rushed away. I sit down to freak out and see Darren sitting across me "So. Lucy, if I give you my address will you come over?" I blush but nodded, he waves his hand in the air and a small whit paper appears in his hand Nd he slides it across the table towards me. I read the paper. I slide it in my purse and smile "thank you." he smirks and walks away all the paper said was 'next-door to your apartment silly girl. -D.' I chuckle as I walk towards my apartment after Chrystal dropped me off. I see Darren walking up to his apartment with a girl hooked to his arm. My eyes widen when he notices me. I rush into my house and slam the door when he calls my name. I shall continue. Just not yet... Tell me what you think and I will continue THANK YOU!! >3•

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