Translate   10 years ago

The Chosen Path The chosen path "Son you have to go and chose a new #life path". "But why can't I stay with you father"I said. Because you must live a better #life now go boy go". I quickly woke up and looked at my clock. It was 7:59. I grabbed my back pack and ran down the stairs and out the door I herd the screeching stop of the buss brake as I entered the bus. It almost seemed that I was alone on the bus until I herd the biggest jerk in the hole worlds voice. it was mike clothingston he had been giving me trouble ever sense the 1 grade he would pull pranks on me like putting a paint Grande in my locker and I had to use p.e loners,they stunk so bad.It reminded me of sulfur pits and rotten eggs. Any ways he was calling my name and I turned around and he flung a ruber band at me then every one stared doing it.I got so mad to the point that I looked like a tomato that had to be popped. Then I herd his sisters beautiful voice her name was Shannon I had a crush on her ever sense I could remember. Are moms were best friends in high school and still were so me an Shannon were close. She sat down next to me and an said "why do you fall for his stupid little shnanagens", as she carefully put on her make up. I looked at her and said "why do you do that"." Do what", she said.why do you put on make up you already look beautiful.she looked at me an kissed me on the cheek and said thank you. Once we got to mathues high. I saw my best friend standing in front of the school sign.he slowly move towrd the buses exit. As I walk out of the bus with Shannon the three of us walked together an talked about all the weird things that happened while all of us were on summer brake. We talked about things like who went to the most places and who had grown the most and stuff like that but what I didn't know is that me and my friends were in for a huge #life changing soon as the bell rang we walked to class but we had always walked the one way no one ever walks to class because we all had the same class for zero period. Once we got to class there were people siting in are seats and are teacher was telling them something in a weird language it almost sounded like a bull grunting something. Then Shannon said excuse me mr. I. That's when he qwikly stopped what he was about to mumble.He then said o umm mr.mathues, mr howle,and mrs.clothinston very nice for you to join me. I looked at mr.i and said were should we sit. He looked at me with a strange knowledge of what was going to happen to me for the next 24 hours. He pointed at the destroyed,gum infested chairs he was going to have the custodian clean. But I did what I was told and grabbed the discussing chair and sat down be side shannon,and cammren.Mr.i looked at the three of us and said these fine gentle men are from the scientific biology academy. We all said hi and they didn't say a word back. Mr. I had been a scientific journalist awhile ago but he still helps other scientists with there hypothesize but the tree of them looked so familiar.thats when the scientist that was very chubby and bald looked at me an said have I seen you before .but before I could anserw I herd camren,Shannon and I's name called on the iner com. Saying we were leaving. Once we got to the office they told use to sign out and go to the front.which was strange because we never had are parents have us walk out to the front of the building before.but we all walked to the front and it was my mom. she told all of us to get in.she had a nervous look in her eyes like something bad was about to happen.once we were all in the car I asked why did you take us out of school and where are we going.all she said was you will find out soon and were going to the mail so I can meet an old friend of mine. Shannon and camren looked at her like they new exactly who she was talking about.once we got there we all went to the food Court.We all were starving and hadn't eaten so we all got Panda Express except for Shannon she got sub way because she never did like chines food.but my mom got up and said to us I'm going to look for my friend ill be back stay here!then she slowly moved toward Shannon and whispered something in her ear she said she had to use the rest room but I knew she wasn't telling the truth.thats when the strangest thing ever happened. Cameron and I were sitting in our chairs playing games and looking at pictures on ifunny, all the Sudden there was an explosion I fell back in my chair and looked up I said what was that to cameron but then I looked up and realized that he wasn't moving no one was. I got up and and saw some girls fighting for a sack that looked like it had swords in it.the girl with the sack then threw a nasty punch in to the other girls chest and she froze. Then the blond girl ran out of the museum and looked at me am smiled and jumped in to the wall just to disappear right in front of my eyes. I ran over to the wall and looked for any trace of her and saw a Golden neck less with a big emblem of a dragon on it. I picked it up and put it on I ran over to the museum and looked at the frozen girl and it was Shannon! I was so surprised. I poked her and she unfroze.every one unfroze after that. She stared moving once again and karate kicked me in the head and I fell to the ground like a brick.she looked at me and realized I wasn't who she thought I was she looked at me and said I'm so sorry. I looked at her and said what is going on who was that fighting you.she looked at me with a sense of disappoint meant that she couldn't hide this from me any more. And said your family is made of generations of history hikers and your one to. I look at her and started cracking up I fell to the floor laugfing. I stopped laugfing when she pointed at the wall the girl had jumped into. There was a mearal of what will happen it sad that we had to go to time square to the trifoliate building roof. I looked at Shannon and ran over to cammren Shannon tried to pull me as she ran to get to the car until I said "wait what about my mom"? She said "she will be fine now come on!"I said what's the rush she said ill explain every thing on the way to time square. The three of us rushed in front of a taxi and hopped in Shannon said "time square and step on it!" She pulled out her lipstick that she always had it turned into a cross bow with a bayanet on it. Then cammren pulled out his hand from his jacket and undid a strang zipper on his left leg. And pulled of the costume like suit. I guess I don't need this anymore. I was in aww when I saw that Carmen wasn't a human at all he was a really small version of a dragon.he said "what I thought you would have found out during science class when I cough and a spark off fire lights the Bunsen burner before we even have the matches. Once we got to time square and to the top of the building we look down from the building I said "wait we don't have to jump off of this do we" before I could even no I was falling off of the tv light building.right before I hit the ground a big hole appeared in front of me once I went through it I appeared in a forest like place. I was flung out of the hole like a house in a tornado. I stared at the sky in pane from me getting the wind knocked out of me.once I caught my breath I got up and said "where are we" cammren said "no a better question is when are we".Shannon said "were in Germany". I looked at her and said "how do you know that"? She pointed at a weird symbol on a tree that some how I could read it said "Germany hiker stop site" cammren looked at me an Shannon and said " a chant that seemed to open the passage in the tree with the symbol on it. The three of us walked through and that is when I saw a gigantic city with millions of mythical creatures. I thought I was day dreaming even though I could smell,hear,and senesce the mud covered ground,creatures,the city it's self. But Shannon and Cameron seemed to be used to this because Shannon an Cameron just stared walking like they new the place. Before I could say what is this place they were practically a mile ahead of me. I stared to run to ketch up with them but I couldn't the road or adleast I thought it was a road my the looks of it, was to crowded with the creatures. Although I had seen something that looked as if people were traveling in it so I ran to the strange moving hut and hoped in side It was gigantic in side it was the size of time square and so I looked around and saw modern looking people rushing to do what the must. But there were strange looking doors on the walls and they disapeird once someone went though them, and there were walls that people were jumping in to and they disapeird . And so I ran over and watched how they did it. I tried to jump in to the wall an I fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Once I got up a strange old lady said " first time jumping"? I said "what ". She said " is it your first time place jumping I said " o yes I am trying to look for my friends". The old lady said "o well then place jumping is perfect for your situation", just think about we're you want to be or who your looking for a jump into the wall it is qwite easy". I looked at the old lady and said "ok what ever you say lady". I thought about Shannon surprisingly she was all I could think about. I looked wall and ran in to it and jumped. It was terrifying a weird hole appeared in the wall and ground. I was Falling through the ground like was a giant hole. I panicked and started to thresh my limbs. I started to see a light getting closer and closer until I saw it hit me. I woke up in a old room with the smell of burning candle wax. I quickly got up and ran out the door to my left. I stared to calm down once I herd Shannon. She came from around the corner. She hugged me and said "thank god your awake".she told me everything that happens while I was knocked out. Turns out that I was out for 2 weeks. She told me that there had been strange things going on. Like how people had been disappearing mysteriously. And how people thought that it was because I had returned. I looked at Shannon and said "what do you mean returned I haven't ever been here?" She said it may be strange for you but long ago you were told to be the chosen one. A dark ruler named "Böse" which means evil in German. Böse had found out that you were to over rule him and sent royal grads to arrest you and place you under Death. But your mother and father sent you away so they would never find you. The put you in the mortal world and in a foster home . Mean while böse killed your mother but blinded your father so he could never see his son again once you grew old enuf you came back and killed Böse or so you thought. He is back now and has a reward for your head. When you came through that portal to hikers village he caught sight of you in a vision. Your portal you came through was over my head when you came through and we brought you to among roll village. You had a nasty fall. We have to teach you all your powers before you fight Böse again. Ok I slowly got back up and said were is cammren she looked at the ground and said that he was arrested . She said but never mind that we have to train you for your battle against Böse.we had trained for three weeks and I was finally ready. A few days until your battle Shannon said. I said "I won't wont go to far. I Ran around the block because I rememberd what Shannon told me about my father . I had looked all day until I got to the last cottage. I opened the door to find my only way threw was a stair way. I slowly walked up the stairs and once I got to the top there was an old man weaving net. I stared to walk and I accidentally knocked over a jar of needles. The man said "hello who is that if you are cole trying to take my tax money you can high tale it out of here". I said " no sir it just I have news". "News about what " he said "news about you son Jake"I said. "My son"! He said. It brought tears to his eyes just thinking about it. He said "has he changed his #life's path". "Yes sir and he has come home to make his father proud" I said. He came running to me and I ran up to him and hugged him like a bear. He hugged me an didn't let go for an hour. We went through the night talking about all the thing the two of us have missed.when I woke in the morning I felt weird and my head hurt. I tried to get up but something was holding me down. I looked down an I was chained to the ground. I looked around me and the only way out was a gigantic door. I looked at it until I saw gears on the door start to turn. I felt the left cuff attached to my hand was loose. The door started to open an I yanked my hand out of the cuff I quickly undid the rest of my restraints and ran to a corner. There was a man in kings cloths so I used my ability to do air push and the king like man was flung in to the was I walked past the do not looking at who was coming. I looked and it was Mr.I. I turned around an a shadowy figure hit me with a bat and I was knocked out. I woke again to find the girl that froze Shannon. She said "your awake do you remember who I am". I said " no all I know about you is that you knocked me out". o um my names jaselyn Sorry about knocking you out". And that's when I herd a click of a lock and realized I was chained up again except tighter. I saw that there was a crowd of people around me. Jaselyn looked at me and said "sorry about this". A said "sorry about what". Thats when I felt a whip go across my back again and again an again. Until it stopped once I saw Mr.I. He looked down and said that was a nice little stunt you pulled on me when I walked in to see what kind of garbage I got this time, then I am thrown in to a wall. Well lets see how you like it. Mr.I flung me in to the wall. I fell to the ground like a rag doll. Blood was coming from my mouth. I said "what do you want from me". "I'm going to take what you hold closest I'm going to kill you father in front of your eyes" Mr.I said. I said "no please have you no heart". He looked at me and said "no my heart was taken when I was a boy a history hiker like you self took what was rightfully mine and now I shall do the same to you". He Told one of the gards to bring out my father to be executed. The doors opened and I saw my father with a bag over his head. Tears came dripping from my eyes. Mr.I raised his sword and killed him. I dropped my head in shame from thinking that it was my Fault. When I looked up I saw jaselyn crying from what had just happened. After I was done with my self pity I felt my anger explode in side me and from what I saw the real world must have exploded also. Every one was thrown in to the walls. Some how I managed to get out of my cuffs and get a sword. I started to kill the gards one by one until I got to Mr.I and he said while in a panicky voice " What do you think you will kill me". That's when he snapped his fingers and I herd a terrible blood curdling yell. The three scientist mr.i was talking to had turned in to a dragon an wolf type beast. I imiedetly ran for cover. I ran out side and saw Shannon she said I have been looking everywhere for you. I herd the yell one last Time from the horable beast and I ran up to is an stabed it in the heart. Shannon looked at me and said "you did it again". I said "I will always do what's right for my home". Jaselyn said "now do you remember me" I said "no ". That's when she kissed me and I looked at her and said "now I do". And ever sense then Mr.i hasn't been seen or herd of or so I thought? The end By: Me

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