Translate   10 years ago

Princess Abbie the 1st Princess of kindness,Beaty,love,loves to be around animals at all times and likes to sing and blend in with everyone. She is also known as a fabulous leader follows in her mothers footsteps as always to see her fait and destiny. Princess ebony the 2nd Princess of a imagination,wild#life and nature she loves to have control. Princess ebony was a great ruler she also liked to follow footsteps of her best friend princess Abbie the 1st. Princess Charlotte the 3rd Princess of fashion,loyalty and loves to sing with princess Abbie the 1st and they liked to ride horses together. Charlotte likes to be in charge of everything. Princess Sydney the 4th Princess of generosity trust and depend she was very close to princess Abbie the 1st. Ashe followed Abbie because they wore best friends

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