Traduire   10 années depuis

The Rise I could feel my body awaken before laying a single finger on her. A sliver of moonlight from my bedroom window illuminates her soft, milky skin. Her deep hazel eyes, staring lustfully into mine, her full lips; red, from the alcohol, her warm, half smirk that I fall powerless against. She was a genuine sight for sore eyes, and at this point, the sexual tension was almost painful for me. I was screaming on the inside; never have I craved a single person so immensely before. Unable to contain myself any longer, I leaned in to kiss her. I was shameless; in a drunken state of ecstasy with the most beautiful girl I've ever lain eyes on. I had been longing for her, and this moment, for what seemed like forever. I could feel the adrenalin coursing through my veins. My heart was pumping a million miles per second, and my hormones were through the roof. I knew in my mind that I shouldn't move too fast; even though my body couldn't have disagreed with me more. I gently grab her hair from the back in desperate attempt to restrain myself. Firmly pressing each silky, brunette, tress in between my fingers. My hips began swiveling back and forth in an awkward humping motion. I was insanely aroused; squeezing my legs together for dear #life. Anything to stop me from pouncing on top of her just yet. The vodka on our breathe was evident as soon as we started using tongue, I enjoyed it. I motioned my hands to her body; caressing her arm and upper thigh. I knew I was just moments away; and I was beyond ready. Ready to explore her body, ready to pleasure her in the best way that i knew how; I was ready. And now, it was up to her. I was waiting on a gesture; a single tap, a moan, anything that would lead me to believe she was as prepared as I. Seconds felt like hours as I waited for this mysterious sign. I knew I wouldn't be able to hold off for much longer. I was like a wild animal ready to fucking attack; it was torture, for lack of better word. But then, i felt it. A mild pinching sensation, followed by a passionate suck, on my bottom lip. She was biting me, and it was incredibly sexy. My mouth began to water. At that exact moment, I knew she was ready. I forced my eyes shut one final time. My last sane moment, before I free-fell into Rhiannon

  • Aimer
  • Amour
  • HaHa
  • Sensationnel
  • Triste
  • En colère