Screams I can't do anything right... I walk up stairs from being yelled at, being threatened to be slapped... Even though it never happens, I still fear it happening. When I get to the top of the stair case I hear a voice.... "She NEVER does anything with us! She's always up in that room of hers!" I feel a deep feeling come over me. I start to sob and run to my mothers room and collapse on the bed. I slam my head into the pillow to hide my sobs, cause I know I'm just gonna get yelled at again...there are voices in my head... They tell me to do unspeakable things... But I know it would be wrong. I get visions of HIS name carved into my arm... I stop crying, and walk to my room. I say to myself... "You CANT be depressed about this... STOP CRYING OVER NOTHING! I just hear more screaming in my head... Yet I sleep it all away...

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