Traduzir   10 anos atrás

Silver Spotlight When Sardinea said she wanted help fixing up her place for her sweet sixteen party,I didn't know she meant dropping glitter from a ladder,hanging up streamers outside the house,and practically decorating the whole place. "Okay,perfect.This party will be a modest success!"Sar squealed.I sighed."Yeah,I did a good job decorating the place."Sar nudged me in the ribs.We went inside and went to her bedroom to change.I wore a black,shimmery,skin-tight dress,tied my hair into a high bun and put on black pumps.I applied dark,maroon makeup.Sar wore a short,red skin-tight dress,let her hair down,put on red wedges and wore fire red makeup."We.Look.Great!"she screamed. Soon enough,our guests arrived.Geriss and Via were amazed.The music pumped loudly through the speakers.The kids were dancing wildly.Jake pulled me aside into the bathroom."Are you crazy?This place is out of control;don't you think this thing is to out of hand?"he asked.I shrugged."Don't worry,Jake.If you get in trouble,I'll take the blame."I promised.He smiled and kissed my cheek.We stepped out into the party and separated.Soon,I saw the spotlight on Sar and Viki.They were dancing and having lots of fun like they should have.

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