I'm Going In The Games Again. I awake on a bright and shining day. With dread today is the day of my first reaping. 12 years old and already has 10 tesseries. A night without much sleep all i want to do is lay down. I can't do that though I drag myself out of bed and put on my white dress that I only wear for special occasions. This i think isn't very special. I walk to the kitchen as quietly as I can trying not to wake any of my brothers or sisters. My mom is already awake sitting in the kitchen eating grain the only thing we have. She looks at me. "How did you sleep?" she asks "Not very well I had a nightmare." "About what?" "What do you think mom? It's reaping day. In my dream I was running as fast as I could and someone caught up to me and BAM! There goes the cannon." I start crying I cant help it I'm so scared. My mom holds me close. I know I shouldn't be freaking out like this there are kids with their names in the over 50 or so times I need to calm down. My mother goes and wakes up my dad its his shift for harvesting. He kisses me on the head tells me he loves me and leaves. I say goodbye too all my siblings kissing each one of them on the forehead as well. My mom and I walk towards the reaping center but before we reach it I see Jolene my best friend and one of the best harvesters in the district. Her mom is hugging her crying on Jolene's shoulder. I can't help thinking shouldn't that be the other way around? 15 years old and with over 40 tersseries she has got to be scared out of her mind. Finally Jolene gets her mom to let go of her by literally forcing her way out. I walk to her and as she whips the tears of her shoulder. "Are you ready?" I ask. "Ready as I'll ever be I guess." She says with a tinge of fear in her voice. "Yea me too." She grabs my hand and we walk the rest of the way together. When we get to the Justice Building we have to divide but before we do she turns and looks at me straight in the eye and asks. "Rue I'm terrified. Please Promise me if anything happens to me out there that you will tell my family how much I love and care about them when I'm gone." I nod my head yes and hug her thats all I can do without losing it. We finally leave each other going to our own age groups. I see Oliver Clark on the stage his hair brilliant yellow and wearing a whitish gray suite. The reaping bowls sitting right in front of him. When he starts speaking about how the Hunger Games began I start shaking my whole body is fidgeting my hands are spazzing. When he finally done, he walks over to the girls bowl digs his hand in lifts out the thin slit of paper. As he opens his mouth my shaking becomes more violent and my heart races. He finally says it. My Name. My teeth chatter together, I look over to Jolene who had dropped her body to the floor, I wanted to scream, but I knew I couldn't, "I can't go in again" I whispered, "Not the games again" I closed my eyes and somehow hoped Katniss, Peeta, or Gale might have been chosen, I would never have an Allie otherwise.
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