Traducciones   10 años

My Love Poor baby, you hurt so much, yet I love you so much. You laugh at how I can't say it in person, while you can. I'm just bad with words when they're not written. I can write, dear love I can write for you. I'd write everyday for the rest of my #life for you. Speaking... Is just so foreign in this language of love. I feel the weight of the world trying to pressure words out of my mouth, yet when I write for you, I can drip those honey filled words like waterfall. They spill out over a page... Falling down and fast, faster than we when we fell in love. These words, the words I write. Will always be for you my dear, my baby. These words, will be for you, forever. Just don't get mad at me for these words, since I can't actually speak them, until I have written them, and even then, even then, it is still difficult to say them for some unknown reason. Just know my dear, just know my love, that I fell in love with you, and I can't get up. I will love you forever and always.

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