Lucy I'm Lucy Macintosh, I've been hurt last year by my boyfriend that I dated for 4 years, he suddenly had an outburst when he heard that I've been hanging out with people more than him... FLASHBACK: "WHO IS IT?!" Jack(my boyfriend) yelled as he yanked my hair back and threw me to the floor. "NOBODY I TOLD YOU I'VE JUST BEEN HANGING OUT WITH CHRYSTAL AT THE COFFEE SHOP!!" I yelled back. "LIAR!!" I knew he'd never believe me. He pulled me by my shirt and slapped me across my face. I held my cheek and looked at him with trembling eyes. He realised what he did and roughly releases me leaving me on the floor of our apartment. He takes all of his things from around the apartment and shoves them into a duffel bag. He looks at me with softer eyes and opens his mouth to speak "I'm sorry, I really am, so from now on w-we should see different people... Good bye Lucy." and with that he walked out of the apartment. END OF FLASHBACK... I felt a tear forming in my left eye. I quickly wiped it away. I looked back out the window of what now is MY apartment. I had a month off of work since my department wasn't needed for this project happening at work. As I stared in daze at the rain outside I was startled at the sudden sound of my phone. I got up from my seat and picked my phone off from the table. I got a text message from my friend Chrystal. Chrystal: Hey, I was wondering of you'd come with me to a magic show tonight. NO IS NOT AN ANSWER!! be ready by 7:30 tonight, I'll wait for you outside. ME: Whatever just don't break my door again Phill said he might start charging me. As soon as I hit the send button on my phone I looked at the time. It was 40 I had a lot of time to watch at least one movie. I looked at the movies I had and placed "Grease" into the DVD player. I wish my love story was like Grease. You know I was a good girl, like all cliches I'd fall in love with the bad boy. He-he but that kind of thing only happens in the movies. I realised the credits were rolling so I checked the time. '5:45' might as well get ready. I walked to the bathroom and peeled off my clothes. I put on the warm water and when it was warm enough I hopped in. As 20 mins. passed I rinsed the last of my body soap and shut off the water. I hopped out and checked the time again. '66', I walked to my room and put on my, know...lady under wears. I then walked to my closet and pulled out black skinny jeans black ankle boots and a dark blue sweater that says "Live like you're dying." as I put my clothes on my phone alerted me that somebody texted me. I checked my phone to find out Chrystal was already outside. I straightened my hair, grabbed my purse and walked out the house. As I turned to lock the door I heard Chrystal yell "Hurry up loser I got us onto the V.I.P list!!" I locked my door and ran to her car. When we got to the club where the magic show was we were let in by a large security guard. All I could hear was the pounding sound of the loud music and see all the laser lights flashing everywhere. I latch myself to Chrystal afraid of getting lost. We finally heard the music soften then heard a man announce "THE SHOW WILL NOW BEGIN!!" Me and Chrystal found a empty space up in the front row. When the show began we saw a man in a nice suit wearing a cape. He had a mask on so I couldn't see his face, but he had an enchanting voice. "Good evening people!" "I hope you enjoy tonights's a little different from the usual" he then raised his hand and dropped it quickly and roughly and with that dark red smoke rose but he was gone. Suddenly I saw him on a bar stool and he was introducing himself, his name was Winston. He introduced the next act as Darren. Darren stepped onto the stage and began to run towards the crowd. He suddenly jumped but when he jumped he floated and landed on his knee. When he stood back up he jumped and landed right back at the top of the stage... I was mesmerised I couldn't help but stare in awe... Many more acts came but the last one amazed me. Darren and the masked man came back onto the stage. The masked man introduced himself as Ryland and standing beside him was Darren. Riley grasped his mask and took it off it revealed the most piercing Grey eyes ever. The looked as if he could see right through somebody and see their soul... It was beautifully scary. When he showed all of his facial features it seemed he looked directly at me. I couldn't help but widen my eyes and feel my face heat in embarrassment. It seemed he smirked at my reaction. I hid my face and when Chrystal noticed she asked if I had a fever or something I vigorously shook my head no. I told her I needed to go to the bathroom and she nodded and said she'd record the act for me. I rushed out the room and stared at myself in the mirror and calmed down. I walked out of the bathroom just in time to see that Darren and Ryland stood at the ends of a round table. Suddenly the table was pulled from under them and they stood their in mid-air. One of the other magicians had a cane and swung it under and over the two floating magicians to show nothing was under or above them. I stared in amazement. I walked back to Chrystal. She looked at me and asked "Do you want to go home early?" I looked at her, sighed and said "No. Let's stay for the after party to meet the magicians." Chrystal nodded. When the show ended we went to the back of the club and bought some drinks. We saw the magicians walk in and I start to blush. Chrystal looks at me with curious eyes and ask "What's wrong?" "nothing" was all I could say as I shook my head. I looked around the club and my eyes widened. Jack was here... This is going to become a series I guess. I'll make part 2 later. That is if you people like this story
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