Translate   10 years ago

Protocall: Chapter 1: Part 1 I trudged on, my legs felt like jelly, and my body drenched in perspiration. I was at least a quarter of a mile behind my fellow brethren militants. By the time I finished, everyone was in line, whereas I was just arriving. "What took you so long Baker?" Commander Rischer walked to me taking his time, his piercing blue eyes and his face alone daunted me. "Cat got your tongue? Answer your Commander boy!" He demanded, his voice booming louder than a atomic bomb, making him more intimidating. "I-My Legs-" My voice trailed off. "Since you can't tell me, you can run an extra mile tomorrow, and while your at it, learn to use your voice. Alright men, sessions over, be out by 50 tomorrow, you'll have 10 miles, others of you have 11." He paused to look at me then blew his whistle and a sea of green and muscle flooded into a metroplex of housing garages, each with a letter and number dully graved on the front. I struggled to to make it to the hub without without collapsing. Miraculously, i made it into the room, only to be aggressively rammed by a shoulder. Larry pushed pass me and layed on the top bunk, which was supposed to be mine. I didn't reject and fell on the bottom bunk, which smelled heavily of mold, socks, and underwear. Why did i even do this.

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