You'll Never Catch Me My eyes shot open like bullets in the darkness. They circled my surroundings, my face was confused and disorientated, my eyes feeling like blown up balloons about to burst, along with my ears they felt as if I was landing on a plane, popping in the darkness. Although my hands and feet were making an uncontrollable shake I was still Wondering where I was, thinking I could find something familiar I started Feeling down my legs I hit sharp things along the way letting out small screams as they plunged into the tips of my fingers, I felt around a little more to figure out my location, realising I was In complete darkness I attempted to find a travellers light, Of some kind of hole, Using my fingers to trace around my environment, I kept feeling sharp pieces, that's felt like tiny shards I would say it was glass, but I couldn't see, especially not in the darkness I had been swallowed into. As I carried on tracing the marks I finally hit a lace of plastic that poked out of where I was fingering, attempting to push it down, still didn't move. I finally came to a conclusion that I wasn't going to find a light, and it was better off to find out where I was by making movement. I shifted my left leg, Yelping a little, I was clearly somewhere I didn't want to know about. My leg hit a cushy mound of furniture. Causing a sharp object to sink deeper in my bruised skin. Squinting my eyes at the pain, I still carried on trying to move. When I finally felt something familiar I tried to pull at it, despite my efforts, something was covering what felt like a window. After a while of thinking I predicted I was in my car, knowing where else I could possibly be. The last thing I could remember was walking into a shop, leaving my Sapphire car outside, where I was now was totally out of my thinking scale. As I had presumed I was in my car, I reached up to possibly feel the ceiling, My hand hit a hard object, I sighed in relief. It was in my car, or it could be someone else's. To prove my own point, I strained my legs to hit the normal light switch. I felt around until the tips of my fingers tapped what felt like my switch, with a sigh of relief I once again attempted to push at the possible switch. But it wouldn't move. With tears falling down my burnt face, I knew not where I was, or how I had got myself into such a mystery. My head swung to the left in utter shock, "What was that" my voice whispered, as I tried to calm myself down, A gun shot echoed through the darkness, I imagined someone was here with me, Then again I could have been stupid, I had no idea where I was, let alone, why would someone be with me? I tried to shake my thoughts away, until there was silence, everything stopped. With a great amount of bravery I reached down on my final resource. I remembered where I always left my keys, I took my bleeding hands and dived them into what seemed like shards of glass. I rummaged through the sharpness until I felt rubber, feeling a little more I realised I was tracing the shape of my car keys, "Come on," I whispered forcibly My fingers grasped the keyring of my keys, with my last remains of strength I stored, my fingers lifted the keys through the shards of glass, I sighed in relief holding my car keys in the palm of my hand. My breath escaped quickly as I heard another frightening gun shot. I was scared enough to actually hit the open button on my car keys, let alone actually get out of the car. I lay my head back, hitting what I thought was a car seat. "Katie this is stupid, just open the door" I was now hitting myself, clearly with no bravery. With the last bit of sight that was restored by a small ray of light, I looked at the keyring on my car keys. There was a small picture of my family and me, standing happy. I swallowed my breath whilst shaking, "Do it for them" I lay my hand of the handle of the door "do it for them Katie" I flipped back my brown hair, with my sapphire blue eyes shining in the darkness, Placing my finger on the unlock button I slowly pressed down. The car made a small beep, there were no gun shots just silence. I let out a small smile before laying my hand on the handle, pressing down I watched cautiously for anyone that could be here with me. As the door opened a beam of light shone onto my face, making my eyelids burn. I peeped my small face out behind the door, I immediately saw what looked like a gun through the fence I gasped and shut the door again. As I had before another gun shot bellowed through the darkness, but this time it had billeted through my window, causing it to smash, making me once again face to face with the man Behind the fence, I swallowed my spit in relaxation, And decided to pluck up some courage, opening the door, I stepped out of the car. I looked behind me to see my car, ripped and shredded in tiny pieces I gasped, all the memories with that car had gone with it.

  • Aimer
  • Amour
  • HaHa
  • Sensationnel
  • Triste
  • En colère