Translate   10 years ago

Like Stars In The Night Sky •~•London's POV•~• It was hot that summer night.That night Dean,Hanner and I went to the museum.The night I met Keith. My sisters and I decided on a girl's night out.Mom said be home by 10. We stepped on line for the tickets to the museum. Hanner and Dean were arguing about hair and clothes.Some girls on line looked at us in envy.Their eyes were like,"I want to be like you but I won't admit it." We stepped into the museum and we all separated from each other and I swear I saw Hanner wink at a nearby boy with tan hair.He nodded back. I walked to a part of the museum all about outfits.The little frilly dresses from the 20's.Suddenly,a boy came up out of nowhere.He stood beside me,our upper arms touching.Then he looked at me and smiled.We started talking small talk.He made me laugh.Out of nowhere,he kissed me.RIGHT ON THE LIPS.I smiled and looked for my planner book and ripped a blank piece of paper from it.On it,I wrote:347-432-7968 xoxo gave it to him and went to find my sisters. DEAN'S POV COMING SOON!

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