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Silver Tragedy Draft 2 (Part 4) This is all I have for now I'll put the rest in another opuss. Chapter 4 A Field Trip One week later the science teacher, Mrs. Mink announced that the Physical Science class would be going on a field trip to gather samples to be used in a laboratory experiment. She handed out permission slips to be signed by parents or guardians that night. “So, a field trip huh?” Denise said when Zander told her about it. “Where to?” “The Silver River Pathway. Mrs. Mink says it is to collect samples for an experiment for lab.”Zander said as he leaned on the door frame for the kitchen and living room. “Well, I suppose that it could help ease your homesickness, being close to it and all. I’ll sign and give a note to Mrs. Mink to tell her about your “condition”. So that she doesn't make your coat off.” Denise said as she signed the paper and added a note to it. The next morning Denise packed Zander a larger lunch than usual and sent him on his way to school. As Zander had learned from JT the day before he could go three blocks over and two blocks down to beat the bus to the school. Zander took this route since it allowed him time to think. He wanted to go home badly enough that it ached to look at the mountains and see the trees scattered around the city. Zander turned and nearly walked into John and his father ,Jake. “Sorry, I was not looking where I was going.” Zander said “That’s the guy that beat me at basketball Dad, he’s also the guy who sat in my seat.” John said as Zander went around him and his father. “Kid, wait a minute, I want to talk to you.” Jake said Zander turned around and stood before Jake. “I hear you’ve been givin’ my boy trouble.” Jake said “No sir, I’ve been doing as told and haven't harassed him in any way.” Zander said and stared at Jake. “My son says you kicked him out of his seat and that you cheated in basketball. Is it true?” jake asked “None of it is. I sat in a seat on the bus on my first day. I never cheated at basketball either. Now, I need to be going on my way to school.” Zander said “Why would my own son lie to me?” Jake asked “I have no idea sir, but I must go.” Zander said Zander walked away from what he knew would become a fist fight and headed to school. He got there ten minutes before the bus did and waited for JT. When JT got off the bus Zander told him about his confrontation with John and his father. “Well, if you ask me, stay away from John and his old man.” JT said “How can I do that? I have PE with John and his Dad knows Denise’s husband.” Zander asked “Keep at a distance, you’re a fast runner. Make a game of it. Make him catch you."you and then regret catching you.” JT said “Would all teachers of Sophomores in Physical Science excuse them.” The secretary said over the intercom “Let’s go, we don’t want to miss it.” Zander said as he began walking to the area Mrs. Mink said they would meet. “We almost had to leave you two behind, hurry it up or we will.”Mr. Jacobs, the bus driver, said Zander broke into a jog and JT into a sprint as the bus was started. JT made it to the bus and climbed on. Zander was still behind the bus, picking up his fallen books. The bus left as Zander stood. He put his books in his backpack and began to run. Zander kept up with the bus until it came to a stop at the gas station three blocks down. There, Zander knocked on the door and stepped back. The door opened and Zander stepped on board. "How did you not get left behind." A boy named Blake asked "I've run further and faster. I wouldn't want to miss this field-trip." Zander said

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