Disenchanted I’m feeling very disenchanted and disheartened by the whole TT thing, what started off as lovely and wonderful has turned very sour with me feeling like ‘The other woman‘, a feeling that he promised wouldn’t happen as I am not that at all, but still it is here. We’ve shared a wonderful three days together but on our last day it turned into a downward spiral, I told him that I felt that he only wanted me for sex and that I wanted…nay needed more than that. He left shortly after with me feeling as though I had asked him for too much, since then he has hardly contacted me and I feel as though I am at a cross roads – do I stay or do I go? I suppose that’s only for me to decide. I understand he is in a difficult position, he has a family to support and children to look after and quite rightly I come down at the bottom of the list, but I feel as though I am hanging off the paper, trying to claw my way back on, as though he’s forgotten me, I have some serious things to think about and decisions to make for mine and our future.