Love I speak with a heart that has been touched by love, and not just any love...true love! I've searched for it my entire #life. My heart hungered for it and thirsted for a flavor...for a drop. I have felt a pain whose ghosts lingers on in my head. It seemed so far away from me and unattainable but it was yet so near. I have lived a #life time thinking that it is only a mythological concept upon which legends and fiction were made. It seemed like an alien dream at times...a shadow that cannot be touched or felt. I almost gave the hope that it existed except in movies and in the eyes of the beholders from afar. But the truth be told, I was wrong and I am so glad I was, for I have found the treasure that many people spend a #life time searching for it and sometimes never even getting close to finding it. The thing is, most people don't know what it is and what it's #life...that thing they want so bad...that thing called 'love', true love. Most people confuse it with its evil twin...lust! Yes, indeed they look too similar at times especially to those who don't know the difference. (To be continued)
Sienna Williamson
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