Translate   10 years ago

The New Chapter Everyone reaches a point in their #life where they feel a new chapter is beginning. This is where I am this morning. Rather appropriately, it is also the first warm and sunny weekend of the new year, with the wind and rain of the New Year storms finally behind us. While the rest of Somerset is out fixing fence panels and trying to get their flooded lives back together, I have made a #life changing decision. One that I honestly never thought would happen. I want a baby. Now, no one reading this (assuming anyone does) knows who I am. I am a 31 year old, happily married, business woman. Currently, my husband and I are in debt to the bank for a reasonable amount of cash, which we borrowed to purchase my business. That's a story for another day, though. I have a cat. I have some tropical fish. I have some emotion baggage about my family. Actually, I lot of emotional baggage about my family! I also have a slightly suspect uterus. Up until recently I would have told anyone who asked me if I wanted a family, that I have the maternal instinct of a doorstop. Now? I want to tear out my heart and offer it up to any passing deity that could wave an omnipotent hand-like appendage and clear my debt so I could afford to get pregnant right now, and assure me no complications. My plan is this: after having counselling a few years ago, I know that I need to get my thoughts and emotions out of my head in order to remain calm and sane. This blog is going to be the tool that I use. It may also be something that I pass on to my future little one, maybe when they are bigger, so that they can see how much I loved them before they even existed. Particularly when it seems that I am being an ogre. I also welcome anyone that wishes to come along for the ride! Wish me luck.

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