Translate   10 years ago

My Story My story. I had been acting for years. I finally convinced my mum and dad to take me to an audition, it was hard and a lot of work. I had to get an agent and everything before travelling away for the audition. When all that was sorted and there was only a couple of days before my audition, I practiced everyday, pouncing and leaping round my bedroom. Even asking God to get me the part. When the time did come round, I did my audition, after that we were waited for hours for the call backs, which is where they narrow you down into a smaller group of people. Luckily I was one of them. About 50 of us stood in a room. We were all asked to perform again, at this point I thought it was my chance. When we had done our performances my hopes were a little to High. A few months later, When a letter came through the door. I hadn't got the part, I was so upset and couldn't stop thinking about the one time opportunity I had let pass so easily. A couple of months later we were contacted by a lady. Who had saw my audition tape, she said I was amazing and would have got the part, with singing and dancing skills. So my mum agreed to take me to the ladies singing and dancing classes, I had private lessons for about a year. To make sure I was ready I took on a lot of competitions for my experience leaflet for my next audition. I posted videos of my singing and dancing on YouTube. I got lots of positive feedback, I then went on to Instagram which I contacted people for advice. And now I'm here, in a few months I'm taking a Disney audition! Now that I can sing and dance also act. If it doesn't work out, then I might go for a more simpler show, such as Holly oaks or easterners, maybe even coronation street. Whatever it takes to be an actor I'll grab the chance when I can. As I know a lot about auditions and acting, I can give lots of advice for those, who want to be an actor/actress my Instgram is actress_advice , you can dm me in confidence that I won't share any of you thoughts to anyone, and I will help you, So that's me, Amy, and that's my story so far.

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