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Chapter One. Chapter One Mochi's POV "Mochi! Come ON! I want to get to this last antique shop before it closes!" Called Anastasia Faire, my best friend. Anastasia (Ana) was tall, exotic, and beautiful, whereas I'm small, pale, and have way to long hair. Ana was tall, lean, dark skinned, perfect face with shiny black hair, while me, well I'm a long haired albino, pinky eyes and all. I grumbled something along the lines of 'alright alright' and ran up to the antique shop, Mystery History, thinking about the McDonald's Ana had promised me. She was obsessed with antiques, and of course as teens we naturally knew every possible shop on Union Street. And Ana wanted to go to each and every one of them to find her grandmas jewellery box, that Ana's mum had 'accidentally' sold. Mystery History was the last antique/jewellery shop in town, and we HAD to find it, for the sake of my sanity. Ana had ransacked every jewellery shop in town, because unbeknownst to her mum, Ana had stored an old family heirloom that got passed down through generations, in a compartment in the box, and of course her mum sold the box, losing the priceless ring, and she didn't stop until she found it sitting in the window of some old jewellers place. Ana squealed directly in my ear, making my fling my hand over her mouth, as she had spotted the box on a street merchants stand, causing her to run up to it and open the lid. I was expecting her to fling it open, but before she could even grasp it, sudden darkness enveloped around us. I heard a scream, maybe mine, maybe not. That was the last thing I remember before I blacked out. ************************************************************************************************************ I awakened shrouded in darkness, though I knew I wasn't blind because my tattoos were glowing. Faintly, but glowing. I tried to move but the only thing I could feel was my head. Suddenly, the bonds I had felt, released. I got up, though it was hard to tell if I had actually gotten up, it seemed to have no gravity, and seemed like what one may call 'limbo'. Suddenly, instead of seeing only black, I saw white, but this time I could actually see myself, my surroundings, and my tattoos. My surroundings, strangely, was a king size bed, with my rooftop city bedspread on it. But that wasn't the weird thing. the weird thing was instead of being dark on the bedspread, it was sunrise/set. I went over, and lay down on the soft bed, looking around at the rest of the room. A pair of bookshelves dominated the wall across from me, with my favourite books such as the Harry Potters, the Percy Jacksons, the Series of Unfortunate Events, and many others. In the spaces where books didn't fill the shelves, little trinkets such as, necklaces, bracelets, rings, pens and pencils, along with my many sketch pads. I lay back down, and had almost fell asleep, until I realised there was no way in or out of this room. A deep sense of fear became a noose around my neck, making me struggle against whatever was cutting off my air, I tried to scream but I wasted what little oxygen was left in my lungs with that one feeble movement. Then I realised it wasn't real, there was nothing round my neck, so there was nothing to be afraid of.With that strangely calming thought I drifted off to sleep, calm and content. ************************************************************************************************************ I woke with a start, glancing round my surroundings, looking at what appeared to be a hospital ward, before doing a self once-over, noting minor bruises,mainly on my right arm, a splint on my ankle, presumably sprained, and a pounding headache. I stretched, chasing away the demons in my stiff, sore muscles. OWWWW. Not the smartest idea, considering I'm the injured. I wish I could make a joke like George Weasley did, when he had his ear cut off. I wish Harry Potter was real. That's a random, medicine induced thought. Though I wonder how many drugs they pumped into me, whoever 'they' are, and I hope they didn't give me penicillin considering that I'm allergic to it. Weird coz that's the pill to help allergies. Huh. Back to topic. What the fuck am I doing in a room that looks suspiciously like the Room of Requirement infirmary. I pause. There was a slight noise, sorta like a- there it was again. Creaking. "Good to see you awake." A very mysterious, very sexy, voice said. I turned, expecting to see a man, maybe somewhere in his late twenties, yet instead came face to face with... Daniel Radcliffe? A Daniel Radcliffe who looked to be the same age as me, 18. "You wouldn't happen to be the actor who plays Harry Potter, right? Daniel Radcliffe, if I'm not mistaken." I say, completely ignoring the statement. "Who said anything about being an actor? Yours truly is in fact, a flesh and blood, very real, Harry Potter." I took one look at him, then I couldn't contain it, I burst out laughing. "You-gasp-do-gasp- realise that -gasp- Harry Potter is an entirely fictional character, right?" I say, still recovering from the laughter. "And? Your just a character made up in the book Eternal Courage on Wattpad." "Wait, if your Harry Potter, how many spells were fired at Snape, knocking him out, in the Prisoner of Azkaban?" "Three spells, by me, Ron, and Hermione, each one expelliarmus." "Ya know, I never thought I would see the day when Harry Potter, my all time favourite book character slash series, would become real and I would meet him. So where are we? And why am I here, if your 'the boy who lived' the best of the Golden Trio, Potty of Potty and Weasel?" "Wow, you really know your books." "What can I say, I have a great mind, and reading is a passion to me. You didn't answer the questions." All while saying that, I had gotten up, walked over successfully, somehow not stumbling, and was now standing in front of who I am deeming... Raven. "Wait, why am I injured, standing in a room I don't even know, when the last time I woke up I was in my dream bedroom?" Then I realised I had started blabbing when he was about to speak. "Sorry," I muttered feebly, "continue." Harry POV I smiled softly, looking over the beautiful girl in front of me. She had yet to tell me her name, but I already knew it would be beautiful, like her. With pale skin, a shapely figure, incredibly long legs for someone of her size, and long blond hair, I knew Neville would likely fall head over heels for someone like her, and her bright blue eyes and- Wait!? Blue eyes? I thought she had pink eyes? "Um, just a question, but are your eyes always bright blue?" Her expression turned to shock, while her eyes turned a dark violet. "N-n-no. What happened to my contacts?" She asked, her eyes turning pale green. "Contacts? Why would you wear contacts?" I asked, curious. With that question, her eyes turned bronze, while she replied, "The people at school, they teased me, insulted me, so I decided to wear pink contacts, it went with me being an albino," she said, shrugging, as if it were nothing. I sat in silence, contemplating what the angel had told me. Mochi POV Raven sat in silence, thing over what I had said. "Just a question, but what's your name?" "I go by many names, but the ones I will let you call me are... Crimson, Drake, or... Luna." Then I get asked a question that was hard to answer. "Why those?" "We'll each name has some sort of significance to me. Drake is Latin for dragon, and when they see me fight they say I'm fiercer than a dragon, and Drake is also one of my middle names. Crimson signifies the blood I lose when I fight, and the blood of those who I have loved and lost. And Luna, Luna is something that I haven't told anyone the reason for. It's a name from my past." During this whole explanation my eyes were yellow. "And maybe someday you'll mean enough to me to know." I say, smiling faintly. ~~flashback~~ "I need a name for you." He murmured softly in my ear. "Something short, catchy and only I can call you by." I whisper back, "Not much can fit a night bird like me." "But you shine brighter than the moon, stars and sun combined." "Might as well call me an owl." I say, laughing lightly. "You're too pretty for an owl," He whispers into my neck, sending shivers down my spine, "but I like the#moonidea, so I shall name you... Luna." He says, the name rolling off his tongue. "Luna." I say testing it out. "Why Luna?" I ask, curious about his answer. He replies in a somewhat, elegant voice "Luna is a roman name, the gods would go to Luna, queen of wolves for advice in time of a crisis. It also means 'moon' in what may be Latin or Roman. And your my little moon, preferring dark to light." "I like it." I say, smiling, my eyes a startling shade of dark red. ~~end of flashback~~ I come back to reality with a start, obviously catching Raven unaware, as he was staring at me, and suddenly blushed redder than roses. He begun speaking "Well I think I'll go for... Wow, tough choice, uh... Drake, since I already know a Luna, and well, Crimson just doesn't fell right. Say, when will you ever tell me your real name?" "Me and my ex boyfriend were going out for seven years. He didn't get told my real name, only the fake one I go by to many people, that name is Mochi." I say, eyes light grey. "Mind telling me what the eye colours mean?" "Oh right, I have a legend that I left with Ana, where did she go anyway?" "Ana? Who's Ana?" "Tall, dark skinned, long black hair?" "Oh, right, that was some poly juice potion, Hermione made it, that was actually Hermione." I sat in silence, processing the fact that my best friend since nursery was not actually my friend, while I had one eye dark purple, the other yellow. "Kay, so where is Hermione?" "She had a smoother landing than you, so she is currently in her dorm, probably reading, but she may be at dinner with the rest of the school, or she may be snogging Ron." "Well can you have someone get her, 'cause she has the only copy I made of my legend." "Bloody hell, knowing her she has about fifty. Wait, earlier you mentioned fighting. What kind?" Raven asks, his eyes full of curiosity. I reply with a tad of hesitation. "I do hand on hand combat, to pay for food. I live on the streets, with a pack of wolves as company. Well, it isn't actually a street, it's a sort of forest that I live in, with food stocks, shelter, and the wolves for warmth. It's easy, especially if you know their language." "Language? I thought they used barks and growls?" I chuckled, a low sound from deep inside my chest. "They do, but that isn't the only communication. They use body language, for communication, and size and fur for the pecking order. But they also have mental communication, they use English, and it travels on a high pitch brain wave frequency, that only the select few can hear, never mind talk to them, like me. I hear, talk, train, hunt, run with the pack, and I'm one of the highest on the pecking order. They call me, a child of the stars. The children of the moon, the animals, mainly the wolves. The children of the sun, humans. The children of the stars, are people like me, close to the children of the moon. You, are a child of the planets. Do you have a spell that you prefer that has control over an element, like fire water, air, earth, spirit, or soul?" I ask. "Ignis pe fende." He replied without difficulty. "Fiend fire." I murmured softly, but Raven must have heard it, for his head shot up. "You speak Latin?" He asks, shocked. "I grew up learning it from the Alpha. He is like a father to me." I admit, my eyes fading to yellow again, where as they had been silver before. I was about to continue when I heard the voice of the Beta, Aaron, ring through my head. 'Blade, report your status.' He commanded. 'Shut it, I'm not in the best of moods right now.' I replied. This time it was my fatherly figure, the Alpha, who spoke. "Drake?" 'What do you mean? Are you hurt? If someone hurt you tell them I will kill them. Where are you? What happened?' He rushed out. "Drake?" 'I'm fine, I'm just a bit bruised, I've had a lot worse, I'm still in Scotland, not sure where, but I'm fine, apparently I'm a book character, and please don't kill Harry, he still needs to explain everything.' I answer, smiling softly. "DRAKE!" Raven yelled. "Oh, sorry, dad was speaking, here, listen." I say, grabbing his hand. 'Dad, Aaron, meet Harry, AKA Raven' I think to my friend, and father. 'He's cute.' Came the approving voice of Lucy, the Alphas daughter. 'Lucy! He is NOT cute. If you have harmed my daughter in any way, I swear to god, if I have to travel across the world to find you, I will kill you.' 'Uh, did I forget to mention that some of my pack can shift to human for one month each year, and my dad is one of them?' I think across to Raven, who stood with a dumb struck look on his face. 'And that any pack connected to a child of the stars can teleport to the child's, in this situation me, location?' I say the last part as my dad, Lucy, Aaron, and Sophie, Lauren, David, and Derrin, a few of my friends, each in wolf form, came charging into the room.

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