Worst Day EVER today was the worst day in the days of worst days. what happened is i went on a tour with the school i got to and it was a bakery factory. i was always on the and of a joke or a dare and this time it was a dare. the popular kids was walking behind me - i knew that because they are always gossiping- but all of a sudden it went quiet i looked behind me and the most hot guy in our school - i have a master crush on this guy- was standing behind me looking at me. i went to ask him why he was - people usually ignore me- when he suddenly shoved me he had a sorry expression on his face like he didn't want to do it but they have to when you get dared- if you don't you have to ask me out and be my whatever until the same time next year. i felt myself falling backwards when i fall into something or someone. thats when me and the tour guide went plunging into the bread mix. everyone laughed at me and the popular guy was at the back of the group looking down ashamed. i don't know why he wasn't at the front of the group leading the laugh but when he looked up he saw me and turned and started to walk away. i didn't know what to do so i stayed there unlike other times where i ran off in embarrassment. i didn't know what to do so soon enough they stopped laughing and thats when i blacked out. i don't remember what happened but evan was there(the popular guy) and i tried to smile but i blacked out again waking up at home wondering what he was doing beside my hospital bed. i have never found out so far from the rooting I've been doing on Facebook but i will find out soon. hopefully. tell you what happens tomorrow Isla

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