Nightmares I walk down the packed street, my boots rubbing my bare feet. Someone has stolen my socks, and I don't know where they are. Eventually, I find the bakery, and enter. A warm smell of bread enters my nostrils, and I wish so much that I could have some. I buy a few loaves using the pennies given to me by cook. I take them home, but it is so jam packed that I arrive late. I go through the servants entrance, and find a furious figure waiting for me "TANYA!! " she screamed " YOU'RE LATE, YOU LAZY SCUM!!" "I'm sorry Cook, the village-" "I DONT CARE IF THE VILLAGE HAS BEEN INVADED BY ALIENS!! GIVE THAT HERE!!" And with that she snatches the loaves out of my hands, and tells me that I need a punishment. She brings out a whip, a cruel instrument of death. I turn, and try to run, screaming for help, but it is too late. A searing pain lashes across my face, and I fall. Then my back, again and again. Blood seeps through the ragged cuts in my uniform, staining it a permanent red. The last thing I feel is Queen Elsa placing her cold hand on my forehead... I wake up in a bed with silk covers. I try to move, to do my daily routine, but I can't. I am in too much pain. Suddenly, a blurred figure enters the room and comes to sit beside me. When my eyes focus, I see that it's Elsa. I try to say something, but all that comes out of my mouth is a whimper. She smoothes my hair out of my face, and tells me to go to sleep. I close my eyes, planning to get up when she leaves, but I can't resist the haziness of sleep, and soon I am dreaming again. Not dreams though, nightmares.
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