Translate   12 years ago

One Crazy Night Quite Long It started off relaxed at around one o'clock in the afternoon, Jack, Louis, Ashley and just started and it felt as of it was going to be a good night. It was passed around for a good hour and I'd almost finished my stash. Another hour later Scott and Daniel arrived and we realised we didn't have enough to last us until we passed out. To remedy this Ashley called a couple of people but it seemed like no one was doing business, though I was still pretty out of it at this point I still agreed to walk to the park with Jack and Ashley to see if anyone was dealing. We must have spent around two hours there and we found no one, I started to sober up and I felt pretty bad as we walked back to Jack's house. But! Suddenly we struck gold! A call from Kate saying she was able to hook us up. However before Ashley even left to meet her it must have been another two hours, I finished off the last of mine and I sat in a daze having a deep conversation with the wall until he came back. And when he did come back... Well this was when it really got going. He showed us the goods and we got straight to it. Up in Jack's cranked bedroom I sat on a desk while Ashley lay on the bed, Scott was sprawled on the floor and Daniel leaned awkwardly against the wall. At first it was completely relaxed and we passed it round for a good two-three hours but we weren't really feeling anything... But then Jack's face whitened, he jerkily stood up and burbled something incomprehensible and stumbled out of the room. Stupidly we carried on thinking that he just couldn't take it. But then Ashley stood, finally thinking he should check on his friend. As he walked past it seemed impossibly fast, my head spun, dark spots formed in front of my eyes, I went numb. I said something along the lines of "Woah, I think I'm gonna die" I rushed to stand up. Bad idea. I could feel blood rushing up to my head, the walls closing in. I stepped over Scott's motionless body, i didn't know if he'd passed out... Or maybe something worse. Daniel just watched as I walked into the door on my way out. I rounded the corner from the bedroom door and found myself at the top of a set of stairs, I hadn't thought about this. But then I saw Ashley standing at the bottom. "Come down here." he said "Now!" Darkness clouded my eyes and I somehow managed to reach the bottom, it cleared just in time for me to see Jack rushing outside with his hand over his mouth. A sat at a chair and held my head in my hands. In my head I could feel the world turning upside down and back again, never quite making a full circulation of my brain. Once I felt like I had a grip on some kind of reality I looked around to see Louis laughing at Ashley while he helped Jack pour a cup of water. Suddenly out of nowhere Ollie and Kyran emerged from the kitchen, apparently they had arranged to meet earlier but we were all too inebriated to remember. Everyone turned to look at them, all eyes were looking the other way, my brain seized its chance. There was a few fatal moments when I realised what was going on, I was going to die. I was so sure of it. I didn't even feel the impact of me hitting the ground, but I did hear someone shout, but it didn't matter. This was my end, and I was quite happy to have reached it. But then it was ripped from me, my eyes snapped open, I saw two people kneeling by my head. People I thought I knew. It came back to me, they were my friends! Jack and Ashley stared at me, sprawled on the floor. "You alright there? I think you fell." From here my mind is blank, right up until Jack, Ashley, Kate, Connor, and a girl we'd come across called Nisrin ushered me into a shed in the back of someone's garden. The shed was icy cold but there was a small crumpled sofa on one side and I took a place on the corner of it, Nisrin took a seat on my lap as of it was the most normal thing in the world and everyone made themselves comfortable among the various garden tools and dusty spider webs. Time passed slowly until someone grabbed my hand and I was led out into the refreshing air of the garden... I can't remember what happened after that until I woke up on Jack's sofa at six in the morning, I gathered together my shoes, cloths and other various things that had be one detached over night and wandered out of the house. I don't want to imagine how rough I must have looked. Now I had to catch a train to meet my mum and brother in London... Well, that was pretty awkward as you can imagine.

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