Morning Activities I wake up at around six, and hurriedly jump out of my bed in the attic. I pull on my clothes, and head downstairs, where I begin my daily chores, dusting and mopping. I am the newest servant here, and I know no other servant. They are all mean to me anyway, they hate me. I scurry down the corridor, but I bump into someone along the way. Someone who is not a servant, they are dressed in fine blue silk. Oh! It's Queen Elsa!! I curtesy immediately. "Beg pardon ma'am, I did not see you there!" I say anxiously. "That's ok, I wasn't harmed" she says Sighing in relief, I head past her, and off to do my jobs, when she calls me back. "Wait," she says " Are you the new maid?" "Yes ma'am." I reply "What's your name?" She demands "I'm Tanya, ma'am." I say "That's a pretty name" "Not as pretty as yours, ma'am!" I head off this time, and she doesn't interrupt again. When I get to the kitchen, there is hustle and bustle. Everyone is running everywhere, trying to make the breakfast for the ever-growing royal family. "TANYA! " the cook shouts" MAKE YOURSELF USEFUL AND SET THE TABLE!! NOW!" "Where is the cutlery?" I ask timidly "YOU KNOW WHERE IT IS, I HAVE SHOWED YOU BEFORE!!" And with that, she slaps me over the head, and I reel back in shock. I back out of the kitchen, and then remember where the cutlery is. I head there, my head still throbbing. I set the table hazily, and stand aside as the Royals come in. First Elsa, then Anna, then everyone else follows. I am continuously pouring them drinks, or serving them food. I am so jealous; all i get are the leftovers!!

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