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Your Soul Your eyes, a window into a soul of the person how you are an how you think, Searching threw your mind to find an answer or to solve ideas made Its funny,, how we lie,, its easy to make a wakeful person believe it from being filtered out from a subconscious to who you are made up to be, what you judge based upon is a bias of how you can relate to who or what you are to know of. We all can pick up on unconscious thought how feelings of certain moments hit us ,, the feeling of tension in a room etc.. Im after talking to people who say what.? after I'm done talking, but there is no need to say it again you got it took in an as it is being filtered back to you wakefully during the next hour or so your vocabulary will include what i have said but it will be you speaking it as if you thought it up yourself. An example of this is an experiment where you write down how ever many single words but during this process you yourself pick a word an insert it into there subconscious mind maybe in a run of a half hour you ask someone what time is it maybe say the word clock a few times, you will b surprised how many times you can say one word an it not be noticed as a repetitive stimulus, so just bring up the idea of a game or something, an do whatever an sure enough if the word clock is there it will be a signal to the mind, i like this one or this is my choice witch in reality it is never your choice an you pick it anyway., from your side of point of view how did you do that but to the maker it was set up before you known about it. When i say wakeful that means you are awake and running on what your mind handles throughout different external events an some internal but no matter where you are before it is filtered everything around you is took in an then processed, so most of your thoughts are ideas filtered into you of your choosing an clame as your own. "We as one an one as we a cloud of thoughts are all of us thinking together as one entity." So You can lie all you want that level is wakefulness, an a level of being awake an to see or talk to your subconscious is always truth, a simple example is .. Keep a straight face, you try but smile anyway, thats the truth passing you but you are noticing that much of it, how can you stand there an keep a lie going when your eyes tell more truth that you are not aware of an an awareness of you not knowing where the truth comes out.. Your eyes a window to a person more known then perceiving a wakeful ego..d(°-°)b.

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