übersetzen   11 Jahre

Dear Diary, Today I have just got back from my dads and I have had a good time and then tomorrow I have to go back to school right now I'm watching the only way is Essex (Towie) for short it will be fun to be in this show to see how they live and I also want to run one of them shops and bye nice cars and clothes and I have nice house I love it all I would love to get a good exaction and get a good job in child care and babysitting I would love to open my own child care business and help mums all around the world so they don't have a crying child by their sides everyday no one should go through it on their own they need some one else help I will be that person no one will stop me getting good grades at school and have the #life I have always dream of and have a nice house and flensing for my self one day so never say no way you could do something like that because I won't be happy never say that to someone they will never be your friend again so thing before your say something Georgia Faye Lees

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