Guardian-1 Guardian-1 I lay in my bed, it was frilly down the sides, the rims touched my skin and made me itch until red marks showed up i sighed, and wondered what Harriet would be doing right now. She told me she had an essay for school, and that she couldn't play. I may be older now, but no one is ever to young for a snowball fight. I made the click clock sounds with my tongue like I did when I was younger. A few voices came from behind the door. I listened carefully, "Harriet!" I whispered sternly "She has no essay!" My thoughts scrunched up an angry face on my eyebrows, I listened harder and heard Elsa's giggle, the sound travelled down the stairs, I heard the grand hall door slam onto it's rims, I sighed "Just because they both have powers, there always the one with the fun," A tear formed on my warm cheeks "Why can't I be like them" I rolled on my side thinking of ways I could have ice powers, I suddenly remembered Jack, Elsa told me about him when we were kids, I remember Harriet pretending to be him by putting her powers in a stick and making ice on the floor. My eyes widened as I remembered how he got ice powers, he fell into the frosty lake, my feet went all giddy at my new suggestion, I grabbed my cape and flung my door open. I ran past Gerda waving a quick wave as I ran. When I reached the bottom of our royal stairs I stopped, the key hold was open so I took a look through it to see Harriet and Elsa in a winter wonderland. Harriet looked to her left "Anna?" Her voice trembled as she bit her lip I sighed and ran past, I heard the door open again, "Anna where are you going?" Elsa shouted after me, I ran into the courtyard and into the woods, I located the lake that jack had walked on with his sister, I smiled "I was getting ice powers!" I stepped on the lake with my slip on shoes engraved with the royal stamp. I suddenly heard shouts "Anna!" "Anna?" "Where are you!" "Anna?" I held my breath, I stood frozen , I couldn't move, the ice was thinning around me, Elsa looked at me, she held Harriet back "Stay" she ordered, Elsa took a step onto the ice "Come on Anna!" She whispered like we did when we were kids "I'm getting ice powers!" I yelled back "Anna please!" Elsa tried to grasped my hand but I pulled away "No!" "I'm always left out, you and Harriet both have ice powers, Harriet always says she has essays when she's playing in the snow with you, it's not fair,!" I walked into the middle of the lake "Anna please!" I heard Harriet's small cry "Anna!" She trembled My eyes grew wide as I saw the small cracks beneath my feet, "help!" I yelped I'd realised my wrong mistake and stood in the cracking ice "ANNA!" Elsa yelled, she pushed me back with an icy wind, my head smacked a tree, I rubbed it gently before looking back to the lake, "ELSA!" I screamed "ELSA!" Harriet lifted herself up with an icy wind and over the lake "ELSA!" She yelled in, We both cried "I can't let her go!" I screamed, Harriet looked at me, pain was oozing in her hurt eyes, I skidded across the lake and leapt into the frozen water. It felt like a million daggers were hitting me at once, despite the cold I swam down to find Elsa, I heard Harriet's voice "ANNA!" She screamed "COME BACK! COME BACK!" I felt a peace of dress, I pulled it and it was blue, I saw Elsa's weak face, I suddenly frozen I couldn't move, Elsa I murmured into the water, her eyes slowly opened before she used her last strength to push me to the surface, I coughed and spluttered on the thin ice which was started to crack everywhere, me and Harriet ran back to the snow and cried into Evan other. Elsa was gone...... To be continued.....

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