My First Blog Hey as you can see this is my first blog and basically it's going to be about all that I know now that I didn't know before, also will be about my day or about society. Well since it's my first blog I'm just going to introduce my self and let you know abit about me. Well I'm 16 year old nearly 17 on the 9th April I go to college currently studying childcare early year level 2. I love drama and music so far I've done 4 shows and will be doing another 2 show this year which are back to the 80s (my part is alf bueller) and les miserable so exciting stuff, my dream is to be a singer, but if that doesn't work then be a drama teacher or music teacher. Sticking to the music side my favourite band is .........Wait for it ......... Mcfly I've loved them for 10 year my favourite is Tom fletcher which I met his sister Carrie hope fletcher in London on the 18th February (best day ever ) which she is the best eponine in les miserable and an amazing singer.I also like the vamps,green day, little mix and many other bands. My favourite child hood film will have to be either the labyrinth or Peter Pan. I also love reading at the moment I'm reading a million miles in a thousand year i would say what it's about but don't want to spoil it for people reading it or going to. Thanks for reading my first blog bye see yous tomorrow or next time I write a blog x

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