My Diary 3 As the last notes i played on the school keyboard came to an end, the room burst into applause. We had started to learn keyboards at school, but I already know how to play; Daddy taught me. We had been told to compose a song, but I just played my lullaby, because my daddy composed it. At break time, Evy asked me how I did that, but I just said practice. One of the teachers even came up to me, and asked me if if like to play in assembly! I said yes, because I love performing. At lunch, Evy handed me a pale pink envelope. I opened it in surprise. Inside was a little invitation written in blue glitter pen. "Nessie," it said " would you like to come round my house??" "Sure!!" I said out loud" when?" "Umm, I was thinking maybe tonight?" Evy asked "Ok, I will ask my parents when they come to pick me up." " I can't wait" " me either!!"
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Nessie Cullen
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