Ranks. Again. Yes, its me again. The one no one remembers. Yeah, me. Im talking about ranks again. And other stuff, too. You know, like why I left. Twice. Ranks. Why are they here? All they do is pit people against each other. Honestly, I go through Opuss looking for comments that will lead my argument. Did I start this Rank revolution? I think I did... But how am I to know? Ill say what I see now. I could be wrong, but I see comments from high ranked people saying stuff about how the lower ranked people would be happy if they had high ranks. Would we? So far, no one has said they would. I wouldn't. There are amazing writers on here who write little and have low ranks, and are not known as much as they deserve to be. However, someone I know writes the most pointless things that I cant even understand half the time and aren't poetic at all. THIS IS NOT FAIR. People on here have DIED because of things people have said to them, and then to come on here, expecting a safe haven, and finding that no one even cares about your stuff? That hurts. Thats another thing: what are you doing to your fellow Opussians? People make profiles of characters, and people hate on them. A guy pretended to work for Honza, and just trashed the characters. I heard this from someone on here, and she convinced me to return. I thought I could yell loudly enough to help some of you, but I just left because I didn't want to be here anymore. Yet here I am, making another rant. People here hurt me, and I don't want to see that happen to another person just because they dare to be different. Yesterday at school, a guy came up to me and told me I had a warm one. My heart isn't warm. Its black. Theres a great #poem on Wattpad that describes it pretty well. Yes, when I left Opuss, I kept writing. Now Im somewhere else. But enough about me, this is for you, Opuss.
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