Tradurre   11 anni fa

This Baby☆彡 "Sienna! Why are you taking so long!" Ashton yelled stretching the word "long." "Hold up Ashton I'm almost done!" Sienna shouted back as she was pulling on her ankle boots. "Gosh darn, girls take long to get ready" Aston groaned just as Sienna walked down the stairs. "Okay I get it lets go, sheesh." As Sienna and Ashton walked out of the house they heard crying they looked at the patio to see a box on the swinging bench. They ran to the box and pulled the baby gently out of the box. "Sorry Ashton I'm gonna stay home to take care of this baby." " Really?! You're gonna ditch our 9 year friendship anniversary for a baby you just found?!" "Yeah, pretty much" "Okay, I'll stop by the store and come back here." "Huh?, why?" "To buy things for the baby and give it to you, Doofus." Sienna smiled brightly "Thanks Ashton." Ashton blushed and turned away "um, yeah whatever..." Aston hopped in his car and drove away. When Ashton came back Sienna and the baby were sleeping on the couch. Ashton couldn't help but smile. He quickly fixed his face and put the baby supplies on the counter. He kneeled down to be face to face with Sienna and leaned down. He lightly brushed his lips against hers. He pulled back quickly when he saw her eyes fluttering open. "oh, hey Ashton." "hey Sienna the baby things are on the counter." Ashton tried to hide his blush. " Ashton, come here." Ashton walked up to Sienna. Sienna then pulled Ashton down to her height and kissed his lips. "If you wanted to kiss me just tell me" Ashton blushed and said "Sienna I'm tired of this." Sienna looked at him in shock. "O-Okay.." "NO, Sienna, listen."Ashton added after seeing Sienna's eyes swell with tears "I can't be just friends anymore." "Sienna I've loved you forever and I'm asking you. Will you be mine, now and forever?" Sienna started crying and began to nod "YES ASHTON!!" Ashton smiled and kissed Sienna again. Ashton looked at the baby and whispered "thank you." the baby smiled and giggled.

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