My Diary 2 Black boots crunching on the snow. Capes sweeping on the ground. A hundred vampires approach, their only desire is to kill. I look around, but I am alone. Me against them. Suddenly a searing pain enters my body, an i curl up on the ground, screaming. I can hear them approaching, all wanting a share. My body gets ripped apart, feasted on, until there is nothing left. I woke up with a start, tears streaming down my face. I must have been screaming loudly, because when I wake up, mummy is next to me. I touch my hand to her face, and show her my nightmare. She pulls me closer, and cuddles me. It is not long before I am asleep again, but this time my family and friends are with me, and we crush the Volturi. I wake up again though, and I am still lying next to Bella, but this time she pulls me up, and takes me outside, where Jake is waiting. I clamber on his back, and we go for a run in the forest, his husky breathing the only thing keeping me awake. When we return, I fall asleep again, but this time it's black. Pitch black...
Nessie Cullen
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