My Diary I woke up this morning, and it was an average day. No sun, no rain. Sensing I was awake, mama and daddy came in. They asked me to get dressed, but they handed me a pleated grey skirt, and a pale blouse. I put them on, along with a pair of woollen tights and a navy blue cardy. They then hand me a backpack, and I look inside. It has some lunch, a pinky purple pencil case and a water bottle. I wonder what this is for, but before I get time to say it, Daddy reads my thoughts and says "We are going to try you out at a school. Forks primary." " ok, but what will it be like??" I reply. He answers, and another flurry if questions comes out of my mouth. He answers them, laughing, and leads me to his car, we get in, and begin the journey. When we get there, I see a bunch of girls, wave goodbye to dad, and head over to join them. "Hi, I'm Evy!" Says one "and you are??" "I'm Renesmee, but call me Nessie," I reply. She drags me over to reception, where they tell me who my teacher is. Luckily, Evy is in all my classes and we go around together, linking arms. At lunch, she shows me her favourite place to eat, and I sit with her. I only nibble at my lunch; it tastes like cardboard to me. At the end of the day, she pulls me over to her mum, and my mum comes over as well. Our mums exchange addresses and numbers, and I hug Evy goodbye, and head over to where Daddy is waiting in the car. He asks me who my new friend is, and I tell him by touching my hand first to his face, then mummy's. I show them when we introduced ourselves, and when we ate together. They seemed happy that I'd found a friend

  • Aimer
  • Amour
  • HaHa
  • Sensationnel
  • Triste
  • En colère